
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - neáh

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

add">ad I. (l) add :-- 'Hér is án lytele burg swíðe neáh' . . . Hé cwæð ðæt hió wǽre swíðe neáh 'est civitas hic juxta . . . parva' . . . Iiuxa dicitur, Past. 399, 25 Sió sunne þǽr gǽð neár on setl þonne on óðrum lande, Ors. l, I ; S. 24, 18. Scipia geáscade ꝥ þá foreweardas wǽron feor ðǽm fæstenne gesette, and eác ꝥ þǽr náne óðre neár wǽron, 4, 10; S. 200, 13. Þ UNCERTAIN se slaga móte mid griðe nýr, Ll. Th. i. 250, 17. Þá menn þe þǽr nýcst syndon, 236, 21. (I a) figurative :-- Sé ðe hyne myd hys módes æágum geseón wele, hé sceal . . . stígan neár and neár stæpmǽlum, Solil. H. 45, 17. I. (2) add: in superlative, of order in time, last :-- Hét se cing þá módor ealra neáhst ácwellan, Shrn. III, 22. Æðelstán and Eádmund, and Eádgár þe níhst wæs, Ll. Th. i. 350, 7. Be ðám þe ic nú niéhst ácsode, Solil. H. 65, 3. I. (3) add :-- Hié selfe neáh forwurdon, Ors. 2, 6 ; S. 88, 16. Þá gemétte heó hire hwǽte ealne beón neáh (pene) gedǽledne fram hire ágenum suna, Gr. D. 68, 23. II. (l) add :-- Ealle ðá clifu þe neáh þǽm sǽ wǽron, Ors. 5, 4 ; S. 226, 4. Ðǽm ǽrestan godwebbe ðióstro na magon cxxtigum míla neáh gehleonian, Sal. K. 152, 20. (l a) figurative :-- Nú wé sculon eft hwierfan neár Róma we must now return in our story to Rome, Ors. 2, 5 ; S. 86, 13. Þá áþas wǽren neár máne þonne sóðe, 4, 3; S. 162, 12. Þ UNCERTAIN frýnd móton beón bóte nýhst that the friends may be most nearly concerned with the 'bót', Ll. Th. i. 256, 4. Godes grið is ealra griða sélast, . . . and þǽr néhst þæs cynges (and next to that the king's), 330, 3. II. (2) add :-- Nú is þǽre tíde swíþe neáh tempus nunc appropinquat, Guth. Gr. 164, 3 : Jud. 287. Néh þǽre æftre Sc&a-tilde; Marian mæssan, Chr. 1048; P. 173, 15. Hit wæs swíðe neáh his lifes ænde add">ad extrema vitae veniens. Gr. D. 314. 3. Hwæðer is ðé leófre þe ðú nú onfó þá costnunga, þe neár þínum ende?, Hml. S. 30, 132. II. (3 a) cf. I. (3) :-- Neáh ðám eall þá þing þe ðanan cumað wiþ ǽlcum áttre magan omnia pene, quae de eadem insula sunt, contra uenenum ualent, Bd. l, I ; Sch. 13, 3. Neáh ðon eallum út ágangendum cunctis pene egressis, i. 7, Sch. 23, 33. v. for-, ful-neáh; þǽr-néhst. neah-,neah,-neah

Mots connexes: prep.
