
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - sárian

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

p. ode. I. to feel pain for, feel sorry for:--Heó is má tó sárianne magis dolendum, Bd. 1, 27; S. 496, 40. II. to be sore (adj.), (1) of physical pain:--Hé (the disease) wundaþ and sió wund sáraþ the wound gets painful, Past. 11; Swt. 71, 20. Ða liran ðara lendena sáriaþ, Lchdm. ii. 216, 24. (2) of mental pain, to grieve, be sad:--Ic sárige on mínum wítum I grow sad in my punishments, Nar. 43, 7. Wé sáriaþ ealle, forðon þe wé seóþ ðínne líchaman beón cwylmed, 42, 2. Ðín fæder and ic sárigende (dolentes) ðé sóhton, Lk. Skt. 2, 48. Sáriendne (sáriende, MS. T.) fréfrian, R. Ben. 17, 3. [O. Sax. gi-sérid afflicted: O. Frs. sérd: O. H. Ger. séren, sérón vulnerare, dolere.] sarian

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