
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - un-rót

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

adj. I. sad, sorrowful, troubled, gloomy :-- Unrót tristis, Wrt. Voc. i. 51, 1: 83, 37. Hé ongann beón unrót (moestus). Ðá sǽde se Hǽlynd: 'Unrót (tristis) is mín sáwl,' Mt. Kmbl. 26, 37, 38. Unrót contristatus, Ps. Th. 37, 6: Exon. Th. 73, 2; Cri. 1183: 166, 3; Gú. 1037. Geómormód, earg and unrót, eallum bidǽled dugeþum and dreámum, 86, 14; Cri. 1408. Hwæðer ðú ǽfre áuht unrót wǽre ðá ðá ðú gesǽlgost wǽre inter illas abundantissimas opes numquam ne animum tuum concepta ex qualibet injuria confudit anxietas? Bt. 26, 1; Fox 90, 21. Ðá andsworode ðæt unróte mód, 3, 4; Fox 6, 18. Se Hǽlend hine unrótne geseah uidens illum Jesus tristem factum, Lk. Skt. 18, 24: Exon. Th. 177, 28; Gú. 1234. Ða unrótan mestam, Wrt. Voc. ii. 54, 42. Wǽron hig swíðe unróte (tristes), Gen. 40, 6: Judth. Thw. 25, 29; Jud. 284. Middaneard geblissaþ, and gé beóð unróte mundus gaudebit, vos autem contristabimini, Jn. Skt. 16, 20: Blickl. Homl. 135, 15, 25. Ne beóð gé unróte, ac gefeóþ mid mé, 191, 22: 225, 14. Higum unróte módceare mǽndon, Beo. Th. 6288; B. 3148. Ða men (men with pain in the spleen) beóð mægre and unróte, Lchdm. ii. 242, 3. On óðre wísan sint tó manianne ða gladan (blíðan, l. 14), on óðre ða unrótan (tristes), Past. 27; Swt. 186, 13. Hé geseah ða men ealle unróte (moestos) ðe him æt wǽron, Bd. 5, 5; S. 618, 6. II. displeased, harsh, angry :-- For hwig syndon gé swá unróte ongeán me? Is hyt for ðam ðe ic ábæd ðæs Hǽlendes líchaman æt Pilate? Nicod. 13; Thw. 6, 29.

Mots connexes: þurh-unrót. un-rot
