보즈워스와 톨러의 앵글로색슨어 고대 영어 사전 - dyppan
고대 영어 사전에 따르면:
dippan; ic dyppe, he dypþ, dyppeþ,
- pl. dippaþ; p. dypte; pp. dypped, dypd = dypt; DIP, immerge, baptize; immergĕre, intingĕre, tingĕre, baptīzāre :-- Se ðe his hand on disce mid me dypþ qui intingit mecum manum in cătīno, Mk. Bos. 14, 20. Dyppe his finger ðǽron let him dip his finger therein, Lev. 4, 17. Biþ dipped fót ðín on blóde ut intingātur pes tuus in sanguĭne, Ps. Spl. 67, 25. Dippaþ ysopan sceaft on ðam blóde fascĭcŭlum hyssōpi tingĭte in sanguĭne, Ex. 12, 22. Ic eówic dépu oððe dyppe, se eówic dépiþ oððe dyppeþ ego baptīzo vos, ipse baptīzābit vos, Mt. Rush. Stv. 3, 11. Dyppende baptīzantes, 28, 19. [Wyc. dippe: Orm. dippesst dippest: Plat. döpen to baptize: O. Sax. dópian baptīzāre: Dut. doopen to baptize, immerge: Ger. taufen to baptize: M. H. Ger. toufen to baptize: O. H. Ger. toufén baptīzāre: Goth. daupyan to baptize.] DER. be-dyppan, ge-, onbe-. dyppan