
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - gafol-

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

gaful-gylda, -gilda, -gelda, an;

m. I. a tribute-payer, tributary, debtor; trĭbūti reddĭtor, dēbĭtor :-- Rómáne hý to gafol-gyldum gedydon the Romans made them tributaries, Ors. 3, 8; Bos. 63, 38 : Bd. 2, 5; S. 506, 20. Beón hig ealle gesunde and þeówion ðé and beón ðíne gafolgildan cunctus pŏpŭlus salvābĭtur et serviet tĭbi sub trĭbūto, Deut. 20, 11. Twegen gafolgyldan wǽron sumum lǽnende duo dēbĭtōres ĕrant cuidam fænĕrātōri, Lk. Bos. 7, 41 : 16, 5. II. a rent-payer, a renter of land as opposed to the owner : qui censum annum pendit, conductor :-- Wealh gafolgelda [gafolgylda MSS. B. H.] a foreign [i.e. of British race] tenant, L. In. 23; Th. i. 118, 3. Gif he on gafolgeldan [gafolgildan MS. H.] húse gefeohte, cxx scillinga to wíte geselle if he fight in a tenant's house, let him pay cxx shillings as fine, 6; Th. i. 106, 7. gafol,gafol-