
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-cígan

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Dele passage Ph. 454, and add: I. intrans. To call, cry out, exclaim :-- Gicégde (geceigede, L.) stefne micler exclamauit uoce magna, Lk. R. 1, 42. Geceigdon, ðus cueðende clamauerunt, dicentes, Mt. L. 8, 29. Fore fyrhtnise geceigdon, 14, 26. I a. to call to a person, invite :-- Gecíg ðé tó þínum frýnd, Ap. Th. 16, 13. Cf. Cégde heó tó eallum þǽm apostolum on híre hordcofan uocauit omnes apostolos in cubiculo suo, Bl. H. 143, 33. II. trans. (1) to call a person, summon, bid come. (α) with acc. :-- Ic gecége míne englas, Bl. H. 183, 4. Geceigdon aldro his uocauerunt parentes eius, Jn. L. 9, 18. 'Hát clypigan ðá apostolas.' Hí wurdon hraedlíce gecígde, Hml. Th. ii. 488, 23. Wéron geceigd twelfe ðegnas his conuocatis duodecim discipulis suis, Mt. L. 10, 1. (β) with dat. :-- Geceigeð l geceigde (gicégde, R.) frióndum and néhebúrum conuocat amicos et uicinos, Lk. L. 15, 6. Hé héht geceiga ðǽm esnum l ðá esnas iussit uocari seruos, 19, 15. (1 a) to call to be a guest, to invite, (α) with acc. :-- Sé ðe ðec and hine geceigeð l geceigde (gicégeð, R., in gelaþode, W.S.) qui te et illum uocauit, Lk. L. 14, 9. (β) with dat. :-- Mið ðý ðú dóest gebǽrscip geceig (gicég, R.) ðorfendum, unhálum uoca pauperes, debiles, Lk. L. 14, 13. (γ) uncertain :-- Tó gelaðian and gecígean adsciscere (-ier, MS.), Wrt. Voc. ii. 9, 30. Gecíed asciscebatur, An. Ox. 2533. (1 b) to call as a follower, bid a person come to hear, obey, &c. :-- Se mildheorta God tó him þá þe him wurðe beóð gecýgð, Hml. S. 30, 18. Ic geceide uocaui, Kent. Gl. 10. Ne cuóm ic geceige sóðfeaste, Mt. L. 9, 13. Sé ðe ongiete ðæt hé sié geciéged (-cígged, ) mid godcundre stemne, Past. 379, 19. Monigo sint geceigda (gecǽged, R.), Mt. L. 20, 16. (1 c) to call to a work, duty, &c. :-- Ealle tó geþeahte gecían wé secgat omnes ad consilium uocari diximus, R. Ben. I. 17, 17. Habbað eów mid ... swá fela lǽwedra tó þǽm gecýdra ꝥ hié ꝥ hálige gerýne árwurðlíce mid eów bréman mægen, Ll. Th. ii. 404, 28, (1 d) to call to a condition, course of life, bring to a state :-- Hé ꝥ folc ... tó ðám heofonlican gecígde and gelaðode, Bd. 4, 28; Sch. 525, 5. Wé sind ásende tó gecígenne mancynn fram deáðe tó lífe, ná tó scúfenne fram lífe tó deáðe, Hml. Th. ii. 488, 30. ꝥ Maria sý gecéged tó deáþe, Bl. H. 145, 9. Eft gecíged beón tó hlúttornesse geleáfan ad simplicitatem fidei reuocari, Bd. 2, 5; Sch. 136, 3. (2) to call so as to attract attention, address a person :-- Gecégde hine stefn of heofenum, Bl. H. 187, 5. Stefn cwæð, 'Cum, Anastasius,' and þá him swá gecígdum þǽr wǽron eác óþre vii bróþru be naman gecígde ... seó stefn eft gecígde þone eahtoþan bróður ... seó gesomnung eall gehýrde þá stefne, þá næs nǽnig tweó ꝥ hit neálæhte þára forðfóre þe þǽr gecígde wǽron, Gr. D. 52, 22-34. Hé gecígde þone hálgan man be his naman, and se hálga wer nolde andswarian, 122, 13. Geciwde (= -cígde?) compellat, i. alloquitur, Germ. 397, 400. (3) to call as a suppliant, call on, invoke :-- Hé him Dryhten gecýgð on fultum, Ph. 454. Ealle þá þe mǽrsiað heora gemynd, and hí gecígað tó fultume, Hml. S. 30, 470. (3 a) to invoke a person's name :-- Gif þú on ídelnesse cígst (gecýgst, v.l.) mínne noman, LI. Th. i. 44, 8. (4) to provoke :-- Gé yldran, ne sceolan gé eówru bearn tó yrsunge geciégean, Ll. Th. ii. 430, 39. III. trans. To call, name. (1) to call a person or thing so and so :-- Énne of tuoelfum diúbul geceiges (appellat), Jn. p. 5, 3. God gecígde (vocavit) þá drígnisse eorðan and þǽra wætera gegaderunga hé hét (appellavit) sǽs, Gen. 1. 10. Þá gin[g]ran þá yldran árwurðe hí gecían juniores priores suos nonnos uocent, R. Ben. I. 106, 2. Hé sceolde beón Nazarénisc gecíged, Hml. Th. i. 88, 26. Bið geceid sunu Godes, Lk. L. 1, 35. Gecéd, Lk. p. 5, l. Wé beóð Godes hús gecígede, Hml. Th. ii. 582, 15. Gecégede, Bl. H. 47, 5. (2) to call by a name :-- Geceigde hine noma fadores his uocant eum nomine patris eius, Lk. L. 1, 59. Ne ǽnig is sé ðe geceiged (gicéged. R.) ðisum noma, 61. Se sunu wæs gecíged þæs fæder naman. Hml. Th. i. 478, 11. Hé óðran naman wæs gecíged Godwine, Chr. 984; P. 124, 4. (3) to call a name :-- Hiá geceiges noma his ... vocabunt women ejus Emmanuhel, Mt. L. 1. 23. Ðú gicég noma his Ióhannes, Lk. R. 1. 13. ge-cigan

Palavras relacionadas: l.
