Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - geréf-land
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- geréf-land
- Substitute: Land held by a reeve :-- þa mǽde þa ge-byrað tó ðám geréflande, C. D. B. i. 544, 1. [Cf. Pro ILLEGIBLEjor acris que vocantur Reflond (quotedfrom N. E. D. q. v.).] V. sundor geréfland, and see geréf-mǽd.geréf-lang (P). Substitute: One who serves under a reeve (?), that belongs to the reeve's staff(?) :-- Ðá geréflanges of Christes circean underfða ðá gerihte ministri aecclesiae Christi rectitudines accipiant, C. D. iCf. (?) lenge, lengan ; O. H. Ger. ge-lang affinis. geréf-mǽd. Substitute: Meadowland held by a reeve :-- v.i. aecras mǽde on ðá gerefmǽde (joining on to the reeve's meadowland ?), C. D. 53, 2. [Cf. Et prepositus habebit j pratum quod appellatur Refmede (quotedfrom N. E. D. ).] v. geref-land.geréf-mann, es; m. The word is used to translate Latin forms elsewhere translated by ge-réfa. v. ge-réfa; II :-- Sum geréfman quidam curialis, Gr. D. 308, 13. Sum man háten Stephanus, sé wæs on getale þára geréfmanna (in numero optio full) . . . Sæge Stephane þám geréfan (dic Stephana optioni). . . Ic eom onsænded tó Stephanes húse þæs geréfan (ad Stephanum optionem), 314, 1-14.geréfscipe. Add: l. consulate, v. ge-réfa; I. II :-- GerSfscipe consulatus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 18, 19: 79, 40. [Cf. Maxence steorede þe refschipe in Rome Rome Maxenlium Augustum nuncupauerunt, Kath. ii. Under Maximien hehest i Rome, ILLEGIBLE is heh reue . . . ant se riche refschipe to rihten, Jul. 9, ll.] II. stewardship, office of bailiff, v. ge-réfa ; III :-- Ne mot mid rihte nán preóst beón worldstrútere on gerefscipe (cf. 198, 21), Ll. Th. ii. 386, 8. III. reeveship. v. ge-réfa; IV :-- Gif man spor gespirige of scyre on óðre . . . habban þá geréfscypas bégen þá spǽce gemǽne, Ll. Th. i. 236,geréf-scir or -scire. Substitute: geréf-soír, e; -soíre, an; f. I. office of ge-réfa. v. ge-réfa; I. II :-- Geréfscíre praefecturae (dignitas), An. Ox. 1382. Hé is nú geréfscíre healdende in Rómebyrig in Romana civitate locum praefectorum servans, Gr. D. 193, 9. II. stewardship, v. ge-refa; III :-- Hó is tó ágeldenne gescád his geréfscíran (uillicationis), R. Ben. I. 107, 16. Groefscire, Lk. L. 16, a. From ðǽm groefscíre, 4. Mín hláford mine geréfscíre (]. groefscíre, L. ) fram mé nymð, Lk. 16, ge-ref-land,geref-land