Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - belgan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
ic belge, ðu bilgst, bilhst, he bilgþ, bilhþ, bylgþ,
- pl. belgaþ; p. ic, he bealg, bealh, ðú bulge, pl. bulgon; pp. bolgen. I. ira se tumefacere, se irritare, se exasperare :-- Nelle ðú on écnesse ðé áwa belgan non in æternum indignaberis, Ps. Th. 102, 9. Ic bidde ðæt ðú ðé ne belge wið me ne, quæso, indigneris, Gen. 18, 30. Bealg hine swíðe folc-ágende the people's lord irritated himself greatly, Exon. 68 a ; Th. 253, 25; Jul. 185. II. intrans. To swell with anger, to be angry, to be enraged; ira tumere, indignari, irasci :-- Ge belgaþ wið me mihi indignamini, Jn. Bos. 7, 23. [O. Sax. belgan, v. reflex; p. balg; pp. bolgan irasci, indignari : N. H. Ger. balgen pugnis certare : O. H. Ger. belgan tumere, irasci.] DER. a-belgan, ge-, bolgen-mód. belgan