
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - neádunga

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:


ad :-- Hé nolde niman mancyn neádunga of ðam deófle búton hé hit forwyrhte he would not have taken mankind by force from the devil, unless he had forfeited it, Homl. Th. i. 216, 5. Ðone cniht ðe hé neádinga genam (rapuisset), Ors. 1, 8; Swt. 42, 10. Hí hine neádunga mid him lǽddon invitum duxerunt, Bd. 3, 18; S. 546, 22. Gif lǽweda man neádinga (without power of choice">man ofsleá">invite) man ofsleá, L. Ecg. P. ii. 1 ; Th. ii. 182, 16. Neádunga, L. M. I. P. 6 ; Th. ii. 266, 27. Gif hé (man) wǽre neádunga (without power of choice, necessarily) Gode underþeód, ðonne næfde hé nán wuldor for gódum weorcum, Boutr. Scrd. 17, 26. Sió leáse gesǽlþ tíhþ on lást neádinga (inevitably) ða ðe hiere tó geþeódaþ from ðǽm sóðum gesǽlþum; seó wiðerweardnes full oft ealle ða ðe hiere underþeódde bióþ, neádinga getíhþ tó ðám sóðum gesǽlþum, swá swá mid angle fisc gefangen biþ, Bt. 20; Fox 72, 7-11. v. nídinga and preceding word. neadunga

Palavras relacionadas: Forcibly, not willingly, under compulsion, of necessity
