
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - á-bisgian

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

:-- Ábysegode

exercitos, Germ. 388, 23. I. to busy, employ, engage, occupy, exercise, (1) with acc. of person (or passive) and (a) gen. of occupation :-- Ne sceal hé hyne ná ábysgian worldlícra bysgunga non debet occupari mundanis negotiis, L. Ecg. P. i. 7; Th. ii. 174, 27. (b) gerundial infin. :-- Hé wæs ábysgod wíngeard tó settanne ad putandam vineam occupatus, Gr. D. 88, 17. (c) with prepositions (α) mid, to occupy a person with something :-- Ðonne hié mid ðissum hwílendlicum ðingum hié selfe ábisgiaþ (-bisegiaþ, Hat. MS.) dum temporali sollicitudini incaute deserviunt, Past. 138, 7. Mid ðǽm innerran ánum ábisgad (-bisegad, Hat. MS.) solis interioribus occupatus, 126, 15 : L. Ecg. P. iii. 9; Th. ii. 198, 23. Ðín mód wæs ábisgod mid ðǽre ansíne ðissa leásena gesǽlða occupato ad imagines visu, Bt. 22, 2 ; F. 78, 9. (β) on, to engage in something :-- Ne ábysga ðú ðín mód on mislícum ðingum, Bas. 38, 18. Gif ðín willa bið gelóme ábysgod on Godes herungum, 40, 8. Ábysgod on wæccum and on sealmsange occupatus vigiliis et psalmis, Bd. 4, 25; S. 600, 40. (γ) ymbe, to busy, concern about something :-- Ðæt hé hine sylfne ne ábysige ymbe náne worldlice ábysgunge (occupari circa aliqua mundana negotia), L. Ecg. P. i. 6; Th. ii. 174, 19. Hé wæs ábisgod ymb ðæs folces ðearfe infirmantium negotiis urgetur, Past. 103, 1. On smeáunga ábisgod ymb ðá hálgan ǽ sacrae legis meditationibus intentus, 169, 1. Ymb Godes þeówdóm ábisgod, Bl. H. 283, 1. Ymb his sáule hǽlo ábysegod erga sanitatem animae suae occupatus, Bd. 4, 25; S. 601, 10. Ymbe náne woroldbysgunge ábysgode mundano negotio nullo occupati, L. Ecg. P. iii. 8; Th. ii. 198, 22. Ðá hwíle ðe ðá ǽmettan ymbe ðá stédan ábisgode beóð dum formicae circa eos occupatae sunt, Nar. 35, 15. (δ) wiþ, to employ against :-- Hé wið ðone here ábisgod wæs, Chr. 894; P. 37, 8. (2) with acc. of time, to employ time in a pursuit :-- Munecas ðe heora cildhád habbaþ ábisgod on cræftigum bócum, Angl. viii. 321, 27. (3) with acc. of place :-- Wildeór ábysgiaþ þá stówe occupaverunt bestiae loca, Gr. D. 258, 20. (4) used intransitively, to engage in :-- Hé on ðǽre mánfullan scilde ábisgode, Ap. Th. 2, 4. II. with the idea of trouble, worry, oppression, to trouble, worry, embarrass, exercise, harass, (1) with acc. of person alone :-- Gif hí mé ábysgiaþ, ðonne ne mæg ic smeágan míne unscylda, Ps. Th. 18, 12. (2) also with prep. (α) mid :-- Gif hwá sié ábisgod (-bisegod, Hat. MS.) mid hwelcum scyldum si praeoccupatus fuerit homo in aliquo delicto. Past. 158, 10. His mód bið suíðe iéðegende and suíðe ábisgad mid eorðlicramonna wordum valde inter humana verba cor defluit, 169, 12. Ðeáh hé mid ðǽre mænigfealdnysse ðǽre synne bysgunge ábysgod sig licet multiplicitate negotii peccati suspensus sit, L. Ecg. P. i. 9; Th. ii. 176, 8. Hé (Cicero) wæs swíþe ábisgod mid ðǽre ylcan sprǽce he was much exercised by the same question; querela vehementer agitata, Bt. 41, 3; F. 246, 28. Wé beóþ mid mycclum hungre yfelra geþóhta ábisgode, Bl. H. 19, 15. (β) on :-- Wíf ðe ðé on nánum þincgum ne ábysige, Shrn. 183, 11. Heora mód wæs ábisgod on ðisse worulde willnunga, Bt. 41, 3; F. 246, 30. other instances under á-bysgian in Dict. a-bisgian