
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - aldor

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:


n. [aldor = ealdor life]. I. life, the vital parts of the body; vita :-- Ðonne ðú of líce aldor asendest when thou sendest life from thy body, Cd. 134; Th. 168, 29; Gen. 2790: 126; Th. 160, 27; Gen. 2656: Elen. Grm. 132: Andr. Kmbl. 2702; An. 1353: Beo. Th. 1364; B. 680. Wit on gársecg út aldrum néþdon we two ventured out on the sea with [peril to] our lives. Beo. Th. 1080; B. 538: 1024; B. 510. Ðæt se wǽre his aldre scyldig that he with his life should pay [be liable], Cd. 196; Th. 244, 19; Dan. 450. Ðæt him on aldre stód here-strǽl hearda so that the hard war-shaft stood in his vital parts, Beo. Th. 2873; B. 1434. II. age, in the expressions -- On aldre ever, to aldre always. On aldre, Elen. Grm. 570: Beo. Th. 3563; B. 1779: Cd. 21; Th. 26, 6; Gen. 402. To aldre, Beo. Th. 4014; B. 2005: 4990; B. 2498: Cd. 22 ; Th. 27, 33; Gen. 427: 22 ; Th. 28, 15 ; Gen. 436: Elen. Grm. 350: 1218. DER. aldor-bana, -bealu, -cearu, -dæg, -gedál, -leás, -leg, -ner.

Parole correlate: ealdor. aldor
