Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - be-fóran
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- be-fóran
- prep. I. dat. II. acc. [be by, proximity, fóran fore, as æt fóran] BEFORE; ante, coram, præ :-- I. dat. He swíðe oft befóran fremede folces rǽswum wundor æfter wundre he very often performed before the princes of the people miracle after miracle, Andr, Kmbl. 1237; An. 619. Ealdormen héredon híg befóran him principes laudaverunt eam apud illum, Gen. 12, 15. Hwá ne wáfaþ ðæs, ðæt ða steorran scínaþ befóran ðam mónan, and ne befóran ðære sunnan who wonders not at this, that the stars shine before the moon, and not before the sun? Bt. 39, 3 ; Fox 214, 30. II. acc. He oft befóran hine com ante illum venire consueverat, Bd. 5, 2 ; S. 614, 42, note. Sweord manige gesáwon befóran beorn beran many saw a sword borne before the hero, Beo. Th. 2052; B.1024. III. befóran frequently comes after the case :-- Him befóran féreþ leóht light goeth before him, Cd. 222; Th. 288, 29; Sat. 389. Him bifóran before them, Exon. 47 a; Th. 160, 22; Gú. 947. be-foran