
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - be-willan

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

to roll, be-windan. Add: Heáfe bewindan to encompass with grief, to grieve about, Gn. Ex. 150. be-witan; I. add :-- Ðú, man, bewite þé sylfne scito, homo, temetipsum, Verc. Först. 128, 16. be-wrencan. v. fægen; 2 c. be-wreón. v. in-b. be-wrítan. Add :-- Gá tó ðǽre wyrte and bewrít hý ábútan mid ánum gyldenan hringe, Lch. i. 112, 22. be-wuna. Add :-- Hé þæt feoh tó sellanne næfde his here swá hié bewuna wǽron, Ors. 3, 7; S. 116, 15. biccen. v. byccen. biddan; II a 2. add :-- Hé bæd þone hálgan wer sumne dǽl eles, Hml. Th. ii. 178, 16. bidung. v. an-(on-)b. bifigendlic tremendous :-- An þám byfgendlican (tremendo) dæge, Chrd. 93, 27. bígan. v. under-b. -bígan. v. ge-b. -bíge. v. tó-b. -bígende. v. tó-b. bí-genga. v. eorþ-, feoh-, ród-b. bí-genged. v. heofon-b. bí-gengness. v. eorþ-b. big-spæc. v. bí-swæc. bilding. v. forþ-b. bile-wit. v. un-b. bindan. (4 a) add :-- Ne binde þé seó racetæáh, Gr. D. 214, 11. v. searu-bunden. binnan. v. þǽr-b. -birdling. v. frum-b. -birg. v. ge-b. birnan. v. sin-, un-birnende; þurh-burnen. bisceop. Add :-- Biscobi (-e) pontifice, Jn. L. 18, 22: 24. v. efen-, fore-, heáfod-, heáh-b. bisceopung. Add :-- Bútan bisceopunge absque confirmatione, Chrd. 50, 5. bisceop-weorod a bishop's band :-- Mid ealle his biscopweorode (campwerede, v. l.), Bd. 3, 24; Sch. 309, 11. bisceop-wyrt. v. feld-b. bisen. v. gelíc-b. bisenian. I. add: to give an example in respect to :-- Heó him bysnode mid gódre gedrohtnunge tó Godes þeówdóme, Hml. S. 2, 125: Ælfc. Gen. Thw. 2, 28. v. mis-b. bisgian. v. fore-b. bisgung. v. mód-b. bismerian. Add: with dat. :-- He arn ... bysmrigende þæs drýes yfeldǽdum, Hml. Th. ii. 414, 26. bisnere. v. ge-b. bí-swæc, -swec treachery :-- Bygswæc (-swec, v. l., bygspæc, Ps. Spl.) supplantationem, Ps. Rdr. 40, 10. v. be-swic. bítan. v. ge-b.; hunger-biten. bite. v. hæfern-, sweord-b. bítel. v. sleg-b. biter; II. add :-- Seó ehtnys bið ealra biterost, Hml. Th. ii. 542, 28. blác. Add :-- Andwlitu geolwe blác ... reáde wan, Lch. ii. 348, 16-19. blácern-leoht lamplight :-- Þæs blácernes leóht næs gesýne ... hé geseh eft ꝥ blácernleóht, Vis. Lfc. 54-59. blǽc; II. add :-- Bléc, Txts. 44, 139. blæc-horn. Add :-- Blæchorn atramentarium, Archiv cxix. 185. blæd, v. eár-, leác-b. blæstm, es; m. Blast :-- Þǽra líga blæstm, Verc. Först. 74, 7. blandan. v. ge-b.; un-blanden; blendan. bláwan. I. add: I a. of a place, to have wind blowing in it :-- Seó dene wæs weallende mid lígum on ánre sídan, on óðre sídan mid hagole bláwende búton tóforlǽtennysse, Hml. Th. ii. 350, 9. II 3. add :-- Bytte bláwan fulle windes. Hml. S. 34, 317. v. geond-, in-b.; lígfám-bláwende. bláwende blustering, with high winds :-- Bláwende lencten, Archiv cxx. 298, 19. bláwere. v. horn-b. blec ... blæce. l. bléc, bléce. v. blǽc, blǽce. blendan to mix, v. ge-b. -bleód. v. ge-b. bleoh. In ll. 2, 3 for bleoge efenlǽce. l. bleó geefenlǽce, and add: v. gold-b. blere, blerig. Add: [Cf. O. H. Ger. blas ros qui albam frontem habeat: Icel. blesi a blaze, white star on a horse's forehead: M. H. Ger. blas bald, v. N. E. D. blaze.] blerian. v. á-blered. bletsian. Add: I a α. to pronounce the benediction in a religious service :-- Hé hæfeð nú gemæssod, and bletsað nú þis folc, Vis. Lfc. 17. Þonne gé bletsiað on Israhéla folc, Num. 6, 23. bletsung. v. fant-, ge-b. blician. Add :-- Martira bliciend(e) (candidatus) werod, Angl. ii. 357, 12. blindan. v. for-, ge-b. blindian. v. of-b. blinnan. v. of-b. blinnedness. v. á-b. blissian. Add: III. with prep. :-- Hí for hire hǽle blyssodon, Hml. S. 7, 281. v. efen-b. blíþe. v. efen-, gemynd-b. blíþian. v. ge-b. blod-lǽte, an; f. Blood-letting, bleeding :-- Æt blódlǽtan, Lch. ii. 16, 8. blostm. Add :-- Lilian blóstm oþþe rosan brǽð, Hml. S. 34, 104. blótan. Add :-- ꝥ hié sceolden mid monnum for hié heora godum blótan, Ors. 4, 7; S. 184, 5. blówan. Add :-- Bloewð, Ps. Vos. 91, 13. bóc beech. Add: beech-mast (?) :-- Gif ne byð ne æceren ne bóc ne oðer mæsten si glandes uel fagina non sint, Chrd. 15, 10. bóc a book. Add: dat. bóce, R. Ben. 67, 9. I a 2. add: a title-deed :-- Se cyng gebécte ðæt land Æðelstáne ... Ecgferð gebohte bóc and land æt Æðelstáne, Cht. E. 202, 25. Se cing hét þone arcebisceop bóc settan and Æðelstáne bóc and land betécan, C. D. iv. 234, 23. II. add :-- Ðás hálgan beoc, Txts. 175, 7, 16. v. cneóres-, cwid-, færeld-, freóls-, frófor-, geán-, hálgung-, heáls-, lǽce-, lár-, mynster-, nam-, síþ-, sumer-b. bócung. For 'Dele' substitute: Conveyance by charter or deed :-- Ic geaf ... ðonæ hagan ... tó ðǽre ilcan bócunga ðæ ðæt land gæbócod is, C. D. v. 257, 12. boda. v. fore-, gebyrd-b. bodere. v. fore-b. bodian. v. á-, frǽ-b. bodig. v. foran-b. bodung. v. lár-b. bogiht. l. bogiht(e). bold. I. add :-- Se biseeop sceal habban þá preóstas on his ágenum bo[l]de (domo), Chrd. 44, 35. v. ealdor-b. -bor. v. for-b. bora. v. leóht-, witum-b. bord. v. steor-b.; útan-bordes. bore. v. loc-b. boren; adj. (ptcpl.) Of (such and such) birth :-- Sý swá boren swá hé sý whatever his birth be, Ll. Th. i. 248, 4. Gif borenran (æþel-, bett-b., v. ll.) þis gelimpe, 70, 1. v. æþel-, bet-, betst-, wel-b. borg-steall a borstal, 'any seat on the side or pitch of a hill,' Hall. Dict., a steep path up a hill. Take here passage given at burg-steall :-- In loco qui dicitur æt Borstealle, C. D. iii. 209, 5. In loco qui dicitur Gealtborgsteal (cf. Icel. göltr a hog), C. D. B. i. 365, 4. [v. N. E. D.; D. D.; Dictionary of Kentish Dialect (E. Dial. Soc.); Midd. Flur.] borh. Add: I a. what is given as security :-- Fó tó þam borge sé þe þæs weddes waldend sý, Ll. Th. i. 254, 21. II. add: of a body of persons :-- Hér swutelað seó gewitnes and se borh þe þǽr æt wǽron (here follows a list of names), C. D. iv. 235, 19. v. god-borh. borh-fæstan. v. ge-b. borian. Add :-- Borgenti terebrantes, Txts. 111, 14. bót. v. dolg-, fǽhþ-, feoh-, hlóþ-, sár-b. bótian. v. ge-b. botl. In l. 7 for '433' l. 443. v. ge-b. box. v. gewyrt-, sealf-b. bracu. v. fearn-bracu. brád. II 1. add :-- Hring on heofonum brǽdre þonne sunne, Ors. 5, 10; S. 234, 9. v. efen-b. brád the full breadth of the hand :-- Swá mycel swá gód hande brád, Vis. Lfc. 73. [v. N. E. D. broad; B. 2.] brádian. v. ge-b. brádlinga. Cf. ecglinga. brǽd. v. hrycg-b. bræd-ísen (brǽd- ?). If bræd = bred (q. v.), the vowel is short, but if it may be compared with Icel. bragð in bragð-alr the vowel is long. -brǽdness. v. leoht-b. brægd. v. nearu-b. brægden. v. ge-, leás-b. brægdenlíce. v. ge-b. brǽw. v. eág-b. breáþ. Add: v. bríþel. breca. v. hád-b. brecan; I 1 γγ. of ground, to make uneven, to intersect with ravines :-- Tó brocenan beorge; of brocenan beorge, C. D. B. ii. 245, 34. v. ful-b.; healf-brocen. bred. v. fót-b. bredende. v. leás-bregdende. bregd. v. ge-b. bregdness. v. ge-, leás-b. brégend-lic terrible, Ps. Rdr. 46, 3. brego. Add :-- Gode ic hæbbe ábolgen brego moncynnes, Hy. 4, 78. bréman. Add :-- Þæs bisceopes gebod bréman uoluntatem episcopi implere, Chrd. 18, 35. brémel-hyrne a corner where there are brambles (?) :-- On ðá brémbælhyrnan (-þyrnan?); of ðǽræ hyrnan, C. D. v. 112, 30; 291, 20. brengness. v. ge-b. Breoten-ríce. Add :-- Breotanríces fægran íglandes cyncg, Nap. 11. breóþan. Add :-- Bruðun (tabuerant) ealle eardigende, Ps. Rdr. 282, 15. [N. E. D. brethe.] Bret a Briton :-- Ne wearð án Bret (Brit, v. l.) tó láfe, Chr. 491; P. 14, 17. bréþel. v. bríþel. brim. (For El. 972 v. fæþm(i)an.) Add :-- Tó brimes faroðe, B. 28. brim-ceald. l. (?) brym-ceald. Cf. Cealda brymmas, Chr. 1065; P. 193, 35. brim-faroþ?. v. faroþ; I. bringan. Add :-- Briengan, Past. 369, 17: 403, 27. -bringelle. v. on-b. -brítedness. v. for-b. bríþel fragile, weak, perishable :-- Eall hé weornige swá sýre (? syer, MS.) wudu weornie, swa bréðel seó (þeo, MS.) swá þystel, Lch. i. 384, 14. [v. N. E. D. brethel a worthless fellow.] v. breáþ, breóþan. bríwan to prepare a poultice :-- Genim línsǽd, gegrind, bríwe wið þám elmes drænce; ꝥ bið gód sealf foredum lime, Lch. ii. 66, 25. broc. v. ge-b. bróc. v. mǽr-, mearc-b. -brocenlic. v. tó-b. -brocian. v. wiþer-b. bróga. v. helle-wíte-, sǽ-b. broht ? v. broþ. brómig. v. blóstmig. brord. II. add :-- Swylce dropan ofer brod (super gramina), Ps. L. 243, 2. brosniendlic. v. ge-b. broanodlíce. v. un-b. bróþor; I. add :-- Twégra bróþor (bróþera, v. l.) sunu and dohtor, Bd. 1, 27; Sch. 69, 2. v. fóster-b. bróþor-scipe. v. ge-b. brúcan. [For translation of Wand. 44 in Dict. substitute: he ruled a liberal lord. v. III. in Supplement.] bryce. Add :-- Hý him bryce heóldon (v. healdan; XI (4)) they did him service, Gú. 701. v. weorold-bryce. brycg. Add :-- Tó ðǽre stǽnenan brycge, C. D. iii. 449, 23. v. eorþ-b. brycg-geweorc.Add :-- Uiatici fundatione (restauratione, 74, 16) pontis, C. D. iv. 65, 34. brycgian. [O. H. Ger. bruccón.] brygd. v. gearo-b. brym-ceald. v. brim-ceald. bryne. v. fýr-, hús-, mann-b. brýtofta. Cf. ge-þofta. brytsen. v. ge-b. brytta. v. fódder-, hláf-, sinc-b. búan; pp. (ge-)bogen. II. add :-- Ánseld búgan, Gú. 1214. v. geár-gemearc; gein-, in-búan. bucca. v. gát-b. búend. Add :-- Þá búendan (inhabitatores) þæs landes, Ps. L. 242, 2: 3. búend; f. v. land-b. bufan. v. þǽr-b. búgan. v. ofer-b.; wóh-bogen. búgendlic. v. for-b. bugol. v. ge-b. bulluc. Add :-- Tó bulluces sole, C. D. B. ii. 245, 30. bundenness. v. ge-b. búness. v. ge-, land-b. burg. v. eorþ-, friþ-, in-, líc-b. burg-bót. This part of the trimoda necessitas is variously rendered in the Latin charters, e.g. arx; arx construenda, arcis (arcium) confectio, constructio, necessaria defensio contra hostes, edificatio, exercitium, instructio, iuuamen, munimen, munimentum, munitio, recuperatio, renouatio, restauratio, subsidium; urbium reparatio, iugis assolidatio; murorum reparatio; munitionis castellique auxilium; fossa aduersum inimicos facienda. v. fird and brycg-geweorc for references, and weall-geweorc. burg-geat; I. add :-- Gif ceorl geþeáh ꝥ hé hæfde ... bellhús and burhgeat(for burhgeat as implying tln importance of a residence see first passage under burh; I a), Ll. Th. i. 190, 16. burg-geat-setl. Dele; see preceding word. burg-geriht a town-due :-- Hwylce gerihta langon intó Tántúne . . . Of Þ ám lande æt Nigon hídon . . . burhgerihtu, Cht. Th. 432, 23. Burgerihta, 433, 18. burg-hege. Cf. hegian. burg-leóda. Cf. land-leóda. burg-steall. Substitute: v. borg-steall. burg-strǽt a town-road :-- On eásthealfe seó burhstrǽt, C. D. B. iii. 15, 11. burh-ware. v. innan-, útan-b. bur-land, v. gebúr-land. burna (-e). v. fild-, mylen-b. bútan. Add: with nom. :-- Eall úre folc mid fleáme astwand búton wé feówertig Þe on ðám feohte stódon, Hml. S. 11, 74. C. II 1. :-- Hý man gecnáwan ne mæg, búton -tonne heo gréwð, Lch. i. 98, 4. III 2. :-- Ne can ic nǽnigne óþerne cræft búton þone, ꝥ ic mæg wyrta wel begangan, Gr. D. 180, 24. byccen; adj. Of a goat :-- Tó preósta gescý finde man biccene heorðan (pelles bucinas), Chrd. 48, 26. [O. H. Ger. bucchín hircinus. ] bydel. I. add: I a. a preacher :-- On ídel beóð þæs bydeles word, Hml. Th. i. 320, 26. I b. of things :-- Gedreccednyssa . . . synd ðá bydelas (heralds) þæs écan forwyrdes, Hml. Th. i. 4, 12. byg-spæc. v. bí-swsec. -bygu. v. ge-b. -byhte. v. ge-b. bylcettan. v. bealcettan. -bylgneas. v. ǽ-, eáþ-b. -býran. v. ge-b. byrd. v. fan-, frum-b. byrdan to be born. v. ed-b. byrdan to burden, v. ge-byrd; pp. -byrdan temerare. v. on-b. -byrde. v. þole-b. byrd-estre. For 'embroideress' 1. 'embroiderer', v. Archiv cxxiii. 418. -byrdig. v. for-b. -byrding. v. hyse-, in-b. byrd-ling. v. in-b. -byrdo. v. mis-b. byre. v. middel-b. Cf. búr. -byrgan (cf. byrga). v. on-b. byrgedness. v. be-b. byrgen; II. :-- Þá lícþénunge . . . þiére byrgene (his bebyrginge, v. l. ), Gr. D. 84, 6. v. eorþ -, ge-b. byrnete a barnacle :-- Byrnete lolligo, Nip. 11. [v. N. E. D. barnacle.] -byrnod. v. ge-b. byrn-wiga. l. -wiga, and odd :-- Þá torras . . . þe ðá byrnwigon on stódan turres cum armatis iactatoribus, Nar. 4, 18. -byrst(e) -bristled, v. fiþer-, ge-b. byrþen; I 2. add :-- Áne bóc unáberendlicre byrbenne codicem ponderis pene imfortabilis, Bd. 5, 13; Sch. 639, 3. byrþre. v. hyse-b. be-willan

Parole correlate: be-wélan.
