Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - betǽcan
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- betǽcan
- Add; I. to entrust, commit to a person for safe keeping, guidance, &c. :-- Ic betiæce committo (Dei mei potestati), An. Ox. 3395. Hwá betǽhð (credit) eów ꝥ eower ys ?, Lk. 16, 11. Eádmund betǽhte Glæstingaberi S. Dúnstáne, Chr. 943 ; P.111, note 19. Se cing betǽhte þá fyrde tó lǽdene Ealfríce, 992 ; P. 127, 10. Betáhte, Ors. 6, 36 ; S. 294, 31: 6, 37; 5 : 296, 1. Hí betǽon heora rǽd 15 his willan, Hml. Th. i. 12, 7. Him wæs betǽht þe castel tó healdene, Chr. 1087 ; P. 223, 17. Gleáwum úþwitum betǽht þe gymnosophistis traditum (i. commendatum), An. Ox. 3097. I a. of betrothal :-- Betáht despon-sata, Mt. L. 1, 18. 1 b. to entrust work, office, &c. :-- Mon ðæt gewin nolde him betǽcan, Ors. 5, 11; S. 236, 4. II. in an unfavourable sense, to hand over, deliver :-- On þíne handa ic hí betáce in manus tuas tradidi illos, Jos. 10, 8. God betǽhte hig Chusan cyninge Dominus tradidit eos in manus Chusan regis, Jud. 3, 8. Bútan him man betǽhte Judan, Hml. S. 25, 614. Betǽhte grǽdigum ceaflum, An. Ox. 1479. Betǽhte (torquendas) traduntur, 4643. III. to put in a place for storage :-- Ágifen á þá ealdan and tó hrægelhúse betǽcen vetera vestimenta semper reddant reponenda in vestiario, R. Ben. 91, 2, 7, IV. to hand over, pay, give, (1) of concrete objects :-- Ús gebyreð þ æt wé ǽlces þinges úre teóðunge Gode betǽcan, Wlfst. 102, 20: 208, 1. Lǽde hé heorðpenig tó Róme and þǽrtóeácan .xxx. pænega, and bringe þonon swutelunge ꝥ hé þǽr swá micel betǽht hæbbe, Ll. Th. i. 264, 10. (2) to give a pledge :-- Geþence hé word and wedd þe hé Gode betǽhte, Ll. Th. i. 306, 5. V. to assign, destine, (1) an office, function, &c. to a person :-- Sý hé ána wunigende on betǽhtre note (tó weorce tó betǽhtum, R. Ben. 1. 57, 3) solus sit ad opus sibi injunctum persistens, R. Ben. 49, 18. (2) a person (thing) to an office, &c. :-- Ǽnig þǽra þinga þe tó lácum betǽht bið, Wlfst. 157, 17. Bi-gencgum betǽhtne ceremoniis deputatum, An. Ox. 2225. Laboratores sind yrðlingas tó þám ánum betǽhte, þe hig ús bigleofan tiliað, Ælfc. T. Grn. 20, 20, 22. þeówdóme betǽhte servitio addictos, Bd. 4, 26; Sch. 507, 11. VI. to dedicate, devote to the gods :-- Hé genam bollan mid bealuwe áfylled, and deóflum betǽhte ðone drenc, Hml. S. 14, 69. VII. intrans. To give one's self up to, yield to :-- Basilius ménde þ unriht swá ꝥ se cásere æt néxtan betǽhte tó his dóme, Hml. S. 3, 323. VIII. to direct (?) :-- Cildgeongum mannum eal geférrǽden unþeáwas stýre oð þ æt fífteóþe gér hyra ylde. . . Gif hwylc hyra þurh gedyrstignesse on máran ylde belǽcþ and þreále gebýt bútan þæs abbodes hǽse (if any one of the brethren from presumption directs and imposes punishment in the case of those of greater age than fifteen without the abbot's order. The Latin is : in fortiori aetate qui praesumpserit aliqua-tenus sine precepto abbatis), R. Ben. 130, 4. [N. E. D. be-teach.] be-tæcan,betæcan