Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - bisceop
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- bisceop
- Add under I :-- Dǽda folces dǽd oferstígan scyl bisceopes (praesulis), Scint. 120, 16. Hú hé his apostolas tó biscpum gebletsode, Wlfst. 175, 21. Under II :-- Aristobolus wæs ǽgþer ge heora cyning ge heora biscop, Ors. 5, 12; S. 238, 14. Under IV substitute: a priest of any other religion, and add :-- Biscop flamen, Wrt. Voc. ii. 37, 11. Se bisceop þǽre stówe antistes oraculi (in India), Nar. 26, 27. Him (Philip) þá biscepas sǽdon þæt ealle godas him irre wǽren, Ors. 3, 7; S. 144, 4. Lundenwaran lufodon þæt heó þeówedan heora deófolgelda biscopum idolatris magis pontificibus seruire gaudentes, Bd. 2, 6; Sch. 138, 9.