Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - búan
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
búgan; ic búe, ðú búst, he býþ;
- p. búde, pl. búdon; pp. gebún; I. intrans. To dwell, live; habitare, versari aliquo loco :-- He búde on Eást-Englum he dwelt among the East-Angles, Chr. 890; Erl. 66. UNCERTAIN 29: Ors. 1, l; Bos. 19, 26. Gif he weard onfunde búan [MS. buon] on beorge if he found the keeper dwelling in the mount, Beo. Th. 5676; B. 2842. II. v. a. acc. To inhabit, occupy; inhabitare, colere, incolere:-- He lét heó þæt land búan he let them, inhabit the land, Cd. 13; Th. 16, 6; Gen. 239. Ðæt ðú búst eorþan ut inhabites terram, Ps. Th. 36, 33. Ðæt hér men bún ðone heán heofon that here men inhabit the high heaven, Cd. 35; Th. 45, 32; Gen. 735. Ne mæg mon meduseld búan a man may not occupy the mead-bench, Beo. Th. 6123; B. 3065. [Plat. buwen, bouen, buen, bujen: O. Sax. búan: Frs. bouwje: O. Frs. buwa, bowa: Dut. bouwen: Ger. bauen: M. H. Ger. buwen, biuwen, bouwen: O. H. Ger. búan, búwan: Goth. bauan: Dan. boe: Swed. bo: Icel. búa: Lith. bu-ti to be: Slav, by-ti to be: Zend bú to be, become: Sansk, bhú to become, spring up, be, exist, live.] DER. ge-búan: án-búende: bú, bý: búgan, búgend: búgian, búian, búwian. buan