Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - egesian
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- egesian
- Add: I. to terrify, inspire (with) fear or awe. (1) absolute:--Oft Scyld Scéfing monegum mǽgðum meodosetla ofteáh, egsode eorl (the hero inspired (men with) fear), B. 6. Hé egesiende stiérð terroribus retrahet, Past. 53, 16. (2) with acc.:--Hié ofergietað ðǽre hirdelican lufan and egesiað hié and ðreátigeað mid onwalde suá suá hláfordas hos, pastoralis mansuetudinis obliti, jure dominationis terrent, Past. 145, 2. Hé egesode ðá ðe on unryht hǽmdon fornicationis metum praemisit, 397, 20. Hé ðæt mód his hiéremonna óliccende egesige and ðreátigende ólicce corda subditorum et terrendo demulceat, et tamen ad terroris reverentiam demulcendo constringat, 127, 7. II. to threaten:--Egsude minaretur, An. Ox. 2481. egesian