Éhtan, éhtian

Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - éhtan, éhtian

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

éhtan, éhtian
Add:--Éhtende insectatum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 47, 8. I. to pursue an enemy, a criminal:--Ic éhtige fýnd míne persequor inimicos meos, Ps. L. 17, 38. For ðǽm mín mon éht þe ic bodige ymb ðone tóhopan deádra monna ǽristes de spe et resurrections mortuorum judicor, Past. 362, 3. Hé férde and éhte þǽra hǽþenra and mid ealle ádrǽfde, Hml. S. 25, 244. Þá Egyptiscan þe hira ǽr éhton, Ex. 14, 31. Gif ǽnig man Godes ciricgrið ábrece . . . éhte his ǽlc þára þe Godes fréond sí, Ll. Th. i. 340, 8. Ðý lǽs hwelc ðára niéhstena his éhte (persequatur) and gefoo, Past. 167, 4. Engel éhtiende hig angelus persequens eos, Ps. L. 34, 6. Éhtendum insequente, i. persequente, An. Ox. 4749. Éhtende persequente, Kent. Gl. 1042. II. to chase an animal:--Æteówde án ormǽte heort . . . Placidas him geornlíce æfter férde . . . Placidas stód . . . and áblan his ǽhtan . . . 'Eálá Placida, hwí éhtest þú mín?', Hml. S. 30, 28-45. II a. of animals:--Geseah hé scealfran doppetan tó grunde éhtende þǽra fixa, Hml. S. 31, 1316. III. to assail, attack, (1) with weapons:--Hié his wǽran swíðe éhtende ge mid scotum ge mid stána torfungum, Ors. 3, 9; S. 134, 14. (1 a) of an animal:--Gyf his nǽdre éhte, Lch. iii. 168, 19. (2) with words, abuse, reproaches:--Tó hwon éhtest þú þás men?, Bl. H. 175, 23. Þá þe hí yrre gesáwene beóð éhtan and wítnian quos irati insequi uidentur, Bd. 1, 27; Sch. 67, 11. (3) of things:--Ðeáhhine óhtan (=éhtan?) ealle ðá yfela and ealle ðá brógan, Sal. K. p. 84, 11. IV. to persecute, act with malevolence towards:--Ic éhtige infesto, Wrt. Voc. i. 22, 34. Ofsláð and oéhteð (oehtad biðon, L.) occident et persequentur, Lk. R. 11, 49. Mið ðý oehtas iúch (eówer héhtende beóþan, R.) cum persecuti uos fuerint, Mt. L. 5, 11. Þá þe éhtiað mé, Ps. L. 34, 3. Éhte l éhtigende is (persecutus est) feónd sáwle míne, 142, 3. Hig éhton l hig éhtegende wǽron, 68, 27. Saulus, hwæt éhtesðú mé? ic eom Ihs þone þú ehtest, Shrn. 58, 29. Gif mec oehtende (-o, L.) wérun and iówih hiá oehtadun, Jn. R. 15, 20. Rómáne crístenra monna éhton, Ors. 6, 6; S. 262, 11. Hé hét crístenra monna éhtan ad persequendos Christianos feralia dispersit edicta, 6, 22; S. 274, 4. Þá éhtegende mé, Ps. L. 118, 150. Fram éhtiendum mé, 30, 16. Oehtigendum, 141, 7. Éhtendum (oehtendum, L.), Mt. R. 5, 44. Oehtendum adversantibus, Rtl. 176, 33. [O. Sax. áhtian: O. H. Ger. áhten persequi, insectari.]

Parole correlate: á-, ge-, oþ-éhtan (-ian). ehtan,ehtian
