Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ellen-wyrt
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- ellen-wyrt
- f. Elderwort, wallwort, danewort, dwarf-elder; sambūcus ĕbŭlus, Lin :-- Genim ðas wyrte, ðe man ĕbŭlum, and óðrum naman ellenwyrte nemneþ, and eác sume men wealwyrt hátaþ take this herb, which is named ĕbŭlum, and by another name elderwort, and some men also call it wallwort, Herb. 93, 1; Lchdm. i. 202, 5: Wrt. Voc. 67, 12, 64: 69, 17. ellen-wyrt