
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - eom

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

eam, am

, ðú eart [earþ, art, arþ], he is, ys; I am, thou art, he is; sum, es, est: pl. sind, sindon [synd, sint, synt, sient, sindan, sindun, syndon, syndan, syndun, siendon, seondon, seondan, siondon, siondan, syondon; earon, earun, earan, aron] : pl. we, ye, they are; sŭmus, estis, sunt: subj. sí, sý, [sig, sige, síe, sýe, seó, sió] if I, if thou, if he be; sim, sis, sit; pl. sín, sýn [síe, sien, seón] if we, if ye, if they be; sīmus, sītis, sint :-- Ic eom, sum, is edwistlíc word and gebýraþ to Gode ánum synder-líce, forðanðe God is ǽfre unbegunnen, and unge-endod on him sylfum, and þurh hine sylfne wunigende 'Sum,' I am, is the substantive verb, and belongs exclusively to God alone, because God is ever without beginning, and without end in himself, and existing by himself, Ælfc. Gr. 32; Som. 36, 24-26. Ic eom weg, and sóþfæstnys, and líf ĕgo sum via, et vērĭtas, et vīta, Jn. Bos. 14, 6. Ic sylf hit eom ego ipse sum. Lk. Bos. 24, 39. Ic eom I am, Beo. Th. 676. ; B. 335: Fins. Th. 49; Fin. 24: Exon. 102b; Th. 388, 1; Rä. 6, 1: Cd. 19; Th. 24, 4; Gen. 372: Cd. 215; Th. 270, 28; Sae. 97: Ps. Th. 68, 6: Bd. 5, 19; S. 640, 40. [Orm. amm, arrt, iss, pl. arrn, sinndenn; subj. sí: Laym. eam, am, æm, em; eart, art, ært; his; pl. sunden, sundeþ, senden, sonden; subj. seo, sí; pl. seon, seoþ: O. Sax. is, ist, pl. sind, sint, sindon, sindun; subj. sí, sín: O. Frs. is, send; subj. se, sie: Ger. ist, sind; subj. sei, seien: M. H. Ger. O. H. Ger. ist, sint; subj. sí, sín: Goth im, is, ist, pl. sijum, sijuþ, sind; subj. sijau, sijais, sijai; pl. sijaima, sijaiþ, sijaina: O. Nrs. em, ert, er, erum, eruþ, eru; subj. sé, sér, sé, pl. séim, séiþ, séi: Grk. GREEK; Slav. jesmi, jesti: Sansk, asmi, asti.] DER. neom.

Parole correlate: wesan. eom
