
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - gærsum

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:


m. n. Substitute: gærsurna(-e), an; m. (f.): gærsum, es; m.: e; f., and add I. in a collective sense, treasure :-- Heora gærsama fornéh eall losade, Chr. 1075; P. 209, 38. Gif hé ne sealde þe máre gersuman, 1047; P. 171, 14. Hí budon þám pápan mycelne garsuman and seolfer, Chr. 995; P. 130, 22. Gærsuman, 34. Ealne his gærsuman and his orf, 1078; P. 213, 28. Walþeóf bæd forgyfenysse and beád gærsuman, 1076; P. 211, 34. II. an article of value; in pl. treasures :-- Hé forleás ǽgðer ge men ge hors and feola his gersuma (unárímede gærsaman, ), Chr. 1076; P. 213, 6. Hí bereafedan hí æt eallon þan gærsaman þe heó áhte, þá wǽron unátellendlice (nam of hire call ꝥ heó áhte on golde and on seolfre and on unásecgendlicum þingum, v. l.), 1043; P. 163, 35. Þám (Henry) hé becwæð gersuman unáteallendlice, 1086; P. 219, 14. Hé sceáwode ꝥ mádmehús, and þá gersuman þe his fæder gegaderode; þá wǽron unásecgendlice ǽnie men hú mycel þǽr wæs gegaderod, on golde and on seolfre, and on faton, and on pællan, and on gimman, and on manige oðre deórwurðe þingon. Se cyng dǽlde þá gersuman for his fæder sáule, 1086; P. 222, 14-20. Hé hæfð geinnod ꝥ ǽr wæs geútod þurh Godes fultum ... and þurh his gærsuma, Cht. Th. 428, 10. ¶ the word translates munus, though this is used in the sense of office, service :-- Fram ǽlcere gærsuman woruldlicra brúcunga unmǽne ab omni munere secularium functionum immunes, C. D. B. i. 154, 15. gærsum

Parole correlate: l.
