Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - gafol
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- gafol
- tribute. Add: (1) in the following glosses :-- Gedebin gebil gedaebeni geabuli debita pensio, Txts. 56, 336. Cesareum tributum, i. regalis gafol, Wrt. Voc. ii. 131, 3. Gebles (geabules, gaebles) monung exactio, Txts. 60, 394. Gafules manung, Wrt. Voc. ii. 30, 10. Gafeles andfengend numerarii, 62, 34. Gaebuli, geabuli aere alieno, Txts. 42, 115. Gedéfum gafule debita pensione, Wrt. Voc. ii. 25, 23. (2) payment exacted by a stronger from a weaker people, by the conqueror from the conquered :-- On þisum geáre wæs ꝥ gafol gelǽst ofer eall Angelcynn; ꝥ wæs ealles .lxxii þúsend punda, Chr. 1018; P. 155, 10. Man sceolde gafol gyldon þám flotan ... Leófsig gesætte þet hí féngon tó gafle ... and him man geald .xxiii. þúsend punda, 1002; P. 133, 36. Cáseres gæfel, Mt. L. 17, 24. Gæfil (gæfle, R.) onfón tributum accipere, 25. Geafel, Mk. L. 12, 14; Lk. L. 20, 22. Gæfelo tributa, 23, 2. (2 a) figurative :-- Wé wǽron gefreoþode feónda gafoles, Bl. H. 105, 23; Wlfst. 251, 16. Se middangeard ús (devils) wæs lange ǽr underþeóded, and ús deáþ mycel gafol geald, Bl. H. 85, 12. (3) payment exacted by the state, a tax :-- Æt gæflæs monunge in teloneo, Mt. R. 9, 9. Gif wilisc man geþeó ꝥ hé hæbbe híwisc landes and mæge cyninges gafo forð bringan (þám cyng gafol gyldan, ), Ll. Th. i. 186, 14. Landágende men ic lǽrde ꝥ hié heora gafol águldon, Bl. H. 185, 21. (4) payment exacted by the church :-- Hú hí Godes lage heóldon and Godes gafel lǽstan, Ll. Th. i. 350, 8. (4 a) of payment exacted by the Jewish law :-- Ꝥte saldun gæfel (hostiam) æfter ðætte ácweden wæs in ǽ Drihtnes, twoege turturas l twoege birdas culfra, Lk. R. 2, 24. (5) payment exacted by a lord, e.g. rent by a landlord :-- Gafel tributis (serviet), trifetum, Kent. Gl. 426. Se hláford tó his gafole búton wítnunge fó, Ll. Th. i. 270, 19. Gif se hláford wile ꝥ land árǽran tó weorce and tó gafole, 146, 4. Mid ús is gerǽd ꝥ hé sylle .v. sustras huniges tó gafole, 436, 2. Sum hit is ðan scipwealan tó gafole gesett, C. D. iii. 450, 19. (5 a) figurative :-- Hwane manaþ God máran gafoles þonne þone biscop, Bl. H. 45, 16. Gif gé gesáwen hwelce mús þæt wǽre hláford ofer óþre mýs and sette him dómas and nídde hié æfter gafole si inter mures videres unum aliquem jus sibi ac potestatem prae ceteris vendicantem, Bt. 16, 2; F. 52, 3. (6) a contribution exacted in aid of the needy, a rate :-- Þæt úre teóþan sceattas sýn earmra manna gafol (a poor-rate), Bl. H. 41, 24. Teóþunga gafelu (tributa) synd beþurfendra sáwla, Scint. 108, 15. (7) interest on a loan :-- Hé gýmð grǽdelíce his teolunge, his gafoles, Hml. Th. i. 66, 11. 'Ic wolde mín ágen ofgán mid ðám gafole.' God forbeád ... þæt nán ðǽra manna þe rihtwís beón wile ne sceal syllan his feoh tó gafole. Ðis gafol ... nis ná woruldlic, ac is gástlic, ii. 554, 8-12. Ꝥ hé his feoh ne his ǽhta tó nánum unrihtum gafole (ullo injusto foenore) ne lǽne; ꝥ is, ꝥ hé hine máran ne bidde tó ágyfanne þonne hé him ǽr lǽnde, Ll. Th. ii. 194, 16. (8) a debt (lit. and fig.), due, obligation :-- Ꝥ wǽre mid gafoles neóde (necessitate debiti) sum getreówe wer ... ꝥ hé wǽre geswænced fram his moniendum fore .xii. scyllingum, Gr. D. 157, 21-33. Sé þe geswænced wæs mid þæs gafoles manunge (necessitate debiti), 158, 12. Gemǽnelicum deáþes gafele generali mortis debito, An. Ox. 1448. Nán fram þám gefule (debito) þeówdómes sí beládud, Angl. xiii. 439, 1057. Þænne gaful gemǽnre týddernysse tó ágyldenne ǽnig geclypud byþ cum ad debitum communis fragilitatis exsoluendum quis uocatus fuerit, 442, 1093. v. ǽ-gafol(e); adj. gafol,gafol-