
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - gāst-lic

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Add: I. pertaining to the spirit, III :-- Gāst-licre ūphefnesse extaseos, Wrt. Voc. ii. 31, 68. On mōdes heánnesse, on gāstlicre gesihde in extasi, 47, 21. Dæg mid glædnise gǣstlicum (spiritali) uē wordia. Rtl. 89, 26. Ealle þās þæs monnes good ge gāst-lice ge līchomlice, Bt. 34, 6; F. 140, 31. II. spiritual as opposed to bodily, fleshly, physical :-- Se gāslica wulf typicus Benjamin, An. Ox. 1922. Seó cwēn (the queen of Sheba) . . . seó gāstlice cwēn, Godes geladung, Hml. Th. ii. 588. Hē is se grundweall þǣre gāstlican cyrcan, 22. Hī him þā gāstlican lāc geoffriad on menigfealdum gemetum, 14. Sē forlēt his gāstlican wǣpna and fēng tō his spere and tō his sweorde, Chr. 1056; P. 186, 27. IIa. of relationship, spiritual as opposed to natural :-- Godes geladung bewȳpdhire gāstlican cild, Hml. Th. i. 84, 29. III. spiritual as opposed to worldly or profane, divine, heavenly, holy, sacred :-- Gāstlecum andgite anagogen (cf. anagogen, i. superno sensu ūplican l heofenlicum angite, An. Ox. 184), Wrt. Voc. ii. l, 10: allegoriam, i. parabolam. An. Ox. 182 : 8, 15 b. On gāstlicre gesihþe in oromate (cf. in oromate, i. uisione superna on ūplicere gesihþe, An. Ox. 404), Wrt. Voc. ii. 43, 60: 62, 62. Gǣst-licre, 75, 65. Æfter gāstlicre gebȳcnuncge tropologiam, An. Ox. 8, 15 c. Gāstlicre gerȳne mistico officio, 2883. ꝥ gāstlice, heofenlice contemplativam (vitam), andwurdan practicam, 2432. Gāstlicra sylena l gyfa charismatum i. donorum (cf. gāst-gifu), 342 : 2863. Nāne wuht ongitan dāra gæstlecena beboda nequaquam spiritalia praecepta cognoscere, Past. 27, Mid gāstlicum trahtnungum mysticis (i. diuinis) com-mentariis, An. Ox. 171. Gāstlicum gerecednessun. mysticis (i. sanctis) explanationibus, 1081. Mid gāstlicum praesagis, 1529. Gāslicum orþangcum spiritalibus commentis, 3226. Ðā gǣsdlecan (gāstlican, v. l.) bebodu spiritalia praecepta, Past. 29, 21. gastlic,gast-lic

Parole correlate: gāst;
