Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - gé
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- gé
- ye, you; vos, υtonos;μεis; gen. eówer [iwer] your, of you; vestrum vel vestri, υtonos;μwν; dat. eów [iów, iu, iuh, iuih, iwh] to you; vobis, υtonos;μiν; acc. eów [iów, iu, iuh, iuih, iwh], eówic you; vos, υtonos;μås; pl. of pers. pron. 2nd pers. ðú thou :-- Ne ondrǽde gé fear ye not, Mt. Bos. 10, 28. Gé ðe on húse standaþ you who stand in the house; tu qui stătis in dŏmo, Ps. Th. 133, 2. Gebíde gé on beorge abide you on the mount, Beo. Th. 5051; B. 2529. Hwylc eówer quis vestrum? Mt. Bos. 6, 27 Án eówer ūnus vestrum, 26, 21. Ic sylle eów dăbo vobis, Ex. 6, 8. Ic secge eów dīco vobis, Mt. Bos. 6, 16 : 7, 7. Gyf gé ða lufiaþ ðe eów lufiaþ si dīlĭgĭtis eos qui vos dīlĭgunt, Mt. Bos. 5, 46. On eów becymþ Godes ríce pervĕnit in vos regnum Dei, Mt. Bos. 12, 28. Eówic grétan hét bade to greet you, Beo. Th. 182; B. 3095. Hwanon eágorstreám eówic brohte whence hath the ocean-stream brought you? Andr. Kmbl. 518; An. 259 : 1764; An. 884. Sibb sý mid eówic peace be with you, Exon. 75 b; Th. 282, 25; Jul. 668. [Wyc. ȝee, ȝe : Piers P. ye : Chauc. Orm. ȝe : O. Sax. gi, ge : O. Frs. gi, i : Ger. ihr : M. H. Ger. ir : O. H. Ger. ír : Goth. yus : Dan. Swed. i : Icel. ér.] ge,ge-