Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-fæstnian
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- ge-fæstnian
- Add: I. where motion is prevented, (l) to fix. (a) to make motionless that which can move :-- Hé sealte ýþa gefæstnade, Ps. Th. 77, 15. (b) to place firmly that which can be moved :-- Betwux ús and eów is gefæstnod (gefæstnad firmatum, Lk. L. 16, 26) micel ðrosm, Hml. Th. i. 332, 17. Næs ná þæs stronglic stán gefæstnod, Sat. 517. Weax melteð gif hit byð neáh fýre gefæstnad, Ps. Th. 57, 7. (c) to fasten on or to something (lit. or fig.) :-- Fram eallum þám wítum þe ðú on mínum líce gefæstnodest (hast inflicted), Hml. S. 8, 160. Hé gefæstnode heora fét tó eorðan, Hml. Th. ii. 508, 17. Hié mé on beorg ásetton, gefæstnodon mé (the cross) þǽr feóndas, Kr. 33. Ðæt hí hiora tóhopan gefæstnigen tó ðǽm écum gódum ut spem in bonis perennibus figant, Past. 393, 31. Hé lét his líchoman on róde mid næglum gefæstnian, Bl. H. 85, 2. Gefæstnod nodaretur, Wrt. Voc. ii. 62, 12. Wearð hé gefæstnod be þǽre swíþran handa tó þǽre bǽre, 151, 18. Róde gefæstnad, Cri. 1448. Gefæstnodon sceare and cultre mid þǽre sýl confirmato vomere et cultro aratro, Coll. M. 19, 19. Gefæsnode fixas (turmas quasi radicitus fixas ... immobiles manere fecit, Ald. 52, 6), An. Ox. 3777. (d) to fasten with a bond, fetter :-- Nǽfre hié se feónd feterum gefæstnað, Sal. 70. Ðá ðe racentég gifæstnigað quos catena constringit, Rtl. 40, 23. Hé þé gefæstnode clommum, An. 1380. Hí woldan míne fótas gefæstnian, Ps. Th. 139, 5. Hé ligeð on carcerne clommum gefæstnad, Cri. 735. (2) to imprison :-- Se cyng genam Roger eorl and gefestnode hine (sette on prisun, ), Chr. 1075; P. 211, 14. II. to make firm, establish :-- Wæs getrymed vel gestaþolad vel gefæstnad firmaretur, i. consolidat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 148, 67. (1) to make firm what is constructed :-- Hé gefæstnude foldan staðelas fundavit terram super stabilitatem ejus, Ps. Th. 103, 6. Hé rodor áhóf and gefæstnode folmum sínum, An. 522. Þæt gé eówer hús gefæstnige, Jul. 649. Wæs folde gefæstnad, Jul. 499. (2) to confirm an agreement, a compact, ratify a treaty, an arrangement, &c., establish (friendly) relations :-- Cnut cyngc frið and freóndscipe betweox Denum and Englum fullíce gefæstnode, Ll. Lbmn. 278, 7. Man fullne freóndscipe gefæstnode mid worde and mid wædde, Chr. 1014; P. 145, 11. Hér gefestnode Eádward cyng frið wið Eást-Engla here, 906; P. 95, 1. Hí mid wedde and mid áþum fryþ gefæstnodon, 926; P. 107, 24. Seó gerǽdnys þe míne witan gerǽddon, and nú mid wedde gefæstnodon, Ll. Th. i. 272, 4. Swá hit gecweden is and mid weddum gefæstnod, 236, 30, 33. Ꝥ frið ꝥ ... ealle gecweden habbad and mid áðum gefæstnod (-feost-, v. l.), 152, 4. Hæfdon Eoforwícingas hire geháten, and sume on wedde geseald, sume mid áþum gefæstnod, ꝥ hí on hyre rǽdenne beón woldon, Chr. 918; P. 105, 24. (3) to confirm the condition of an object, make stable, constant, establish :-- Hé ðeignas gefæstnigeð discipulos confirmat, Mt. p. 16, 6. Gefæstnaðe, Lk. p. 11, 13. Gehýr þis herespel and þínne hyge gefæstna, Sch. 37. Ríce is þín rǽde gefæstnod, Ps. Th. 144, 13. Ꝥte ryhte cynedómas þurh úre folc gefæstnode and getrymede wǽron, Ll. Th. i. 102, 9. (4) to settle, determine, fix a plan, course, &c. :-- Þá gefæstnode hé þisne rǽd wið þæt werod ... Ðá ðá hí ealle hæfdon þisne rǽd betwux him gefæstnod, Hml. Th. i. 10, 26-29. Hé gewunode on þám gesettum tídum þæs dæges þone ryne his síðfætes gefæstnian, Hml. S. 23 b, 164. (5) to confirm, corroborate a statement :-- Ofer ðone ungeleáffulle wrǽððo geunia gefæstnað super incredulum iram manere confirmat, Jn. p. 4, 3: Lk. p. 7, 19. Dóm his sóð uoere gefæstnade iudicium suum uerum esse confirmans, Jn. p. 5, 11. Gefæstnade testatur, p. 4, 13. Ágann Landfranc atýwian mid openum gesceáde ꝥ hé mid rihte crafede ... and mid strangan cwydan ꝥ ylce gefæstnode, Chr. 1070; P. 206, 14. (6) of steady action :-- Woruldlufe ðe on gedwyldum hwyrftlað, and nǽnne stæpe on Godes wege ne gefæstnað (does not lake one firm step on the road to God), Hml. Th. i. 514, 22. III. to make safe, to secure. (1) to secure against attack, fortify :-- Hé þæt eálond begyrde and gefæstnade mid díce, Bd. 1, 5; Sch. 17, 20. Hí gefæstnadon ꝥ byrgenn munierunt sepulchrum, Mt. L. 27, 66. Gefeastnodon, p, 20, 3. Gifæstnado mið fultumum munita praesidiis, Rtl. 63, 8. Geofonhúsa mǽst innan and útan eorðan líme gefæstnod wið flóde, Gen. 1323. Hú gefæstnad sý ferð innanweard, wiðsteall geworht, Jul. 400. Wé on þǽre wícstówe gesundlíce wícodon, and ic hæfde mid fæstene gefæstnad ꝥ ús deór ne sceððan meahten, Nar. 21, 31. (2) to prevent encroachment on, to make one's own :-- Tó hwon heólde þú hit þé ánum ... þæt mihte manegum genihtsumian ? unýðe þé wæs þæt þú hit eall ne mihtest gefæstnian ne mid inseglum beclýsan, Wlfst. 259, 20. (3) to commit, entrust. Cf. be-fæstan :-- Gifæstna accommoda, Rtl. 105, 37. Gifæstnia commendet, 63, 1. [O. H. Ger. ge-festinón adfirmare, adstringere, confirmare.] v. ge-festnian in Dict. ge-fæstnian