Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-fandod
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- ge-fandod
- Substitute: ge-fandian; p. ode To try. (1) to examine, explore :-- Hé þæt sóna onfand þæt hæfde gumena sum goldes gefandod, heáhgestreóna he soon found that some man had ransacked the treasure, B. 2301. (2) to try whether. Cf. fandian (2) :-- Þæt hié mósten gefandian hweðer hié heora medsélða oferswíþan mehte, Ors. 4, 4; S. 164, 28. (3) to experience, taste. Cf. fandian (4) :-- Sé ðe ús oferdrencð mid ðæs écan lífes liðe, hé gefandode geallan biternesse ðá hine ðyrstte aeterna nos dulcedine inebrians in siti sua fellis amaritudinem accepit, Past. 261, 15. Ðá ðe gefandod habbað ðára flǽsclicra synna, ðá ðe ðæs nóht ne cunnon peccata carnis experta, eorum expertes, 403, 7. Þonne se án hafað þurh deáðes nýd dǽda gefondad, B. 2454.