Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-faran
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- ge-faran
- p. fór; pl. -fóron, -fóran; pp. faren. I. intrans. To go, proceed, reach by going, arrive; ire, proficisci, meare :-- [He] walde gefara voluit exire, Jn. Skt. Lind. 1, 43. Swá feor swá man on ánum dæge gefaran mæg as far as one can journey in a day, Thw. Num. 11, 31. Eall under hróf gefór all came under the roof, Gen. 1360. Óþ ðæt drihtweras gefóran ðǽr is botlwela bethlem háten until the men arrived where is a village called Bethel, Cd. Th. 107, 33; Gen. 1798. II. to depart, die :-- His fæder gefærþ his father dies, Blickl. Homl. 131, 25. Bearn hraðe gefaraþ [their] children soon die, Boeth. 11, 1; Fox 32, 10. Ne wéne ic ðæt ǽnig wǽre ðe ðæt atellan mihte, ðæt on ðam gefeohte gefór I do not suppose that anybody could reckon [the number] that died in that battle, Ors. 3, 11; Bos. 75, 9. Gefór Æðeréd cyning king Ethelred died, Chr. 871; Erl. 76, 1. Hý æt nýhstan ne ahsedan hwæt ðæra gefarenra wǽre at last they did not ask how many there were dead, Ors. 4, 4; Bos. 80, 12. III. to proceed, get on, fare :-- Hú se mánscaða gefaran wolde how the wicked spoiler meant to proceed, Beo. Th. 1481; B. 738. Eustatius cýdde hú hí gefaren hæfdon Eustace told how they had fared, Chr. 1048; Ed. 178, 6. We nyton hwæt Moises gefaren hafþ we know not what has become of Moses, Exod. Thw. 32, 1, 23. IV. :-- Hú mǽg ic hit on ðrím dagum gefaran how can I perform the journey in three days, Blickl. Homl. 231, 23 : 235, 35. Hie wræcstówe gefóran they had reached the place of exile, Cd. Th. 6, 20; Gen. 91. Ic wisce ðæt ic eft forlidennesse gefare I wish that I may again suffer shipwreck, Th. Apol. 12, 10 : 21, 19. Ðænne gefærþ he sige on ǽghwylcum gefeohte then shall he obtain victory in every battle, H. R. 17, 10. Twegen æðelingas gefóran ðæt lond two princes occupied that land, Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 32, 35. Philippus gefór heora burh Philip took their town, 3, 7; Bos. 60, 6. Ne dorste he genéðan ðæt he hie mid firde gefóre he dare not venture to attack them with an army, 1, 10; Bos, 33, 31. Cf. gerídan. [O. Sax. gifaran takes an accusative.] ge-faran