Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-feallan
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- ge-feallan
- p. -feól, -feóll, pl. -feóllon; pp. feallen To fall; cadere, decidere :-- Ic gefealle be gewyrhtum fram feóndum mínum decidam merito ab inimicis meis, Ps. Spl. 7, 4. Ðǽr Pharaon gefeól, on ðam Reádan Sǽ et excussit Pharaonem in Mari Rubro, Ps. Th. 135, 15. He eorþan gefeóll he fell to earth, Beo. Th. 5661; B. 2834 : 4207; B. 2100. Me fela ðínra edwíta on gefeóllon opprobria exprobantium tibi ceciderunt super me, Ps. Th. 68, 9. Ðá gefeól hire mód on his lufe then she fell in love with him, Th. Apol. 17, 18 : 1, 13. Sóðlíce ðín dóhtor gefeól on swégcræft, ac heó næfþ hine ná wel geleornod thy daughter indeed has attempted [?] music, but she has not learnt it well, 16, 23.