
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-frignan

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Take here ge-frinan (l. -frínan) in Dict. , and add pp. - frognen. I. to ask, question. (1) absolute :-- Ic fora iúih gefregno ego coram uobis interrogatns, Lk. L. 23, 14. Ðá uuðuuto gefrugnon (conquirentes) mið him, Mk. -L. R. 9, 14. (l a) to ask a question, the question given in a dependent clause :-- Se geroefa gefraign huoeðer l gif moun Galilesca woere Pilatus interrogauit si homo Galilaeus esset, Lk. L. 23, 6. Mið him efne gefrugnon (giffrugnun, R.) huæd hit wére, Mk. L. 9, 10. Gefraignende Drihtne huæs sunu wére Críst, Mt. p. 19, 8. (2) to ask about, after, & c. :-- Gefrægn ðone weligo from lif éce interrogans diues de uita aeterna, Lk. p. 9, 16. (2 a) where (2) and (l a) are combined :-- Gifraigað of sedum aldum, huoelc sié woeg gód, Rtl. 36, 13. (3) to ask. question a person :-- Huæd mec gefraignes ðú ? Gefregn ðá quid me interrogas ? Inlerroga eos, Jn. L. 18, 21. Hine gefraignas (-frægnas, R.), 9, 23. Ne nédðarf is þte huælc ðec gefraigna (gifregne, R., interroget), 16, 30. Hine ꝥ hiá gefrugno (-un, R.) eum interrogare, Mk. L. 9, 32. Hine forðor gefregna (interrogare), Mt. 22, 46. (3 a) to ask a person a question :-- Ne darstun hine gifregna (-frægne, L.) ǽniht, Lk. R. 20, 40. (3 a α) the question given in a dependent clause :-- Hé gefrægn hine gif l huoeðer huoelchuoego gesége. Mk. L. R. 8, 23. Gefraegn, 15, 44. Gefraign, 12, 28. Gefrugnon hine ðegnas his huæt. . ., Lk. L. 8, 9. Gifíǽgnun, Jn. R. 9, 15. Gefrognen wæs hwenne cymeð ríce Godes, Lk. R. L. 17, 20 : Jn. p. 5, 12. (3 a β) the question given directly :-- Gifrægn (-fregn, L.) hine: 'Hwæt ðé noma is,' Mk. R. 5, 9. Gefraign hine se Hǽlend cuoeð : 'Huæd ðé noma is, ' Lk. L. 8, 30 : 23, 3. Gefraegn, Mk. L. 15, 4. Gefrugnon hine ðá ðreátas cuoeðendo : 'Huæd wé dóað,' Lk. L. R. 3, 10. Nǽnig mon ne gifregno (gefregne, L.) mec: 'Hwider gongestú,' Jn. R. 16, 5. Gefrægnende wæs, Mk. L. 14, 61. (3 b) to ask a person about something :-- Ðe biscop gefraign (-frægn, R.) ðone Hǽlend of his ðegnum and ymb his láre, Jn. L. 18, 19. Ðegnas his of ðǽm ilca gefrugnon hine, Mk. 10, 10. (4) to ask information about a subject :-- Gefregna inquisita, Mk. p. 2, 4. (4 a) to ask a person (acc.) for information about a subject :-- Gefrugnun hine ðegnas his bissen interrogabant eum discipuli ejus parabolam, Mk. L. 7, 17. (4 b) to ask of a person :-- Gefrægn ðá tíd from ðǽm, Jn. 4, 53. II. to learn by inquiry, (i) with acc. :-- Ic þæt wundor gefrægn, Rä. 48, 2. Hié wuldor gesáwon, swá hæleð gefrúnon, Exod. 388. Medoærn micel gewyrcean, þonne yldo bearn ǽfre gefrúnon, B. 70. (2) with acc. and infin. :-- Ic þæt wíf gefrægn cýðan módes sorge, Gen. 2242: Sal. 179. Hí gúðcyning gefrúnon hringas dǽlan, B. 1969. (2 a) with acc. and complementary ptcpl. :-- Se sélesta þára þé wé ǽfre gefrúnen ácennedne, Gú. 1334. Þára þinga þe hér þeóda cynn gefrugnen æt fruman geworden under wolcnum, Cri. 225. ge-frignan