Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-grípan
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- ge-grípan
- Add: I. to lay hold of (1) a material object, to take with the hand, grasp:--Hé wǽpn gegráp mid tó campienne, Bl. H. 167, 1. Se Hélend áþenede hond his and gegráp hine (apprehendit eum), Mt. R. 14, 31. Ealle þá apostolas hié gegrípan on hire middel, Bl. H. 141, 29. Ic wille gegrípan ꝥ palmtwig, and hit tó eorþan áfyllan, 151, 15. Nim swá mycel swá þú mid þrím fingron gegrípan mæge, Lch. i. 230, 11. Mið ðý gegripen (-grippen, L.) wæs hond his praehensa manu ejus, Mk. R. 1, 31. Gegripen adprehensum, Kent. Gl. 192. (1 a) to seize with an implement:--Fýrene tangan him on handa hié hæfdon, and . . . hié mé mid þǽm gegrípan woldon, Bd. 5, 12; Sch. 621, 15. (2) a non-material object:--Hié gegrípað (arripiunt) ðone cwide ðæs apostoles hiora gítsunge tó fultome, Past. 53, 3. II. to get possession of, obtain, acquire:--Gegríp arripe (prudentiam), Kent. Gl. 64. Underfóð l gegrípað steóre l láre apprehendite disciplinam, Ps. L. 2, 12. Suǽ iornað gié ꝥte gié gigrípa (conprehendatis), Rtl. 5, 37. III. with idea of violence, constraint:--Gegrípe capiat, retineat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 128, 48. (1) to seize a person, take captive, apprehend a criminal. (a) the subject a person:--Sé ðe swá hwér hine gegrípes (adpraehenderit), hé bítes, Mk. R. L. 9, 18. Hé hyne gegráp arripiebat illum, Lk. 8, 29. Gást gigráp (appraehendit) hine, Lk. R. 9, 39. Gigriopun Símón, 23, 26. Hwonne hí mé gegrípan and tó helle locum gelǽdan, Bd. 5, 13; Sch. 640, 16. Hé mé swá ládode ꝥ hié mé ne gegripon, Bl. H. 151, 27. Sendun ðá aldormenn embihtmenn ꝥte hiǽ gegripe (-grioppo, L.) hine, Jn. R. 7, 32. Sóhtun hine tó gigrípanne, 30, 44. Hé wæs gegripen (correptus) fram þám unclǽnum gástum, Gr. D. 294, 1. (b) the subject an animal:--Án leó gegráp mé and arn tó wuda, Hml. S. 30, 331. (c) the subject a thing:--Sió wilnung ðæs ídlan gielpes gegrípð ðæt mód, Past. 373, 20. Gegriépð, 143, 5. Þám þe se æfterra deáþ gegrípð, Bt. 19; F. 70, 18. Gegrípað capiunt (impium iniquitates suae), Kent. Gl. 116. Ðá gegráp hine swíðlic ege, Hml. S. 23 b, 212: 460. Gegripun l gehæfton comprehenderunt, Ps. L. 39, 13. Ꝥte ðióstro iúih ne gegrípa (compraehendant), Jn. L. 12, 35. Ðe lés ðú sió gegripen hiora onwaldum ne capiaris nutibus illius, Kent. Gl. 161. (2) to seize a thing, take with violence as a robber:--Gegrípeð diri[pi]et (cum rapuerit, Kent. Gl. 705. Ne bið gegripen non rapitur, 71. (3) to take, catch game:--Wildeór gegrípan, Hml. S. 23 b, 735. v. ge-grippan. ge-gripan