Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-hæftan
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
he -hæft;
- ge-hæftan
- p. -hæftede, -hæfte; pp. -hæfted, -hæft To take, take captive, cast into prison, detain, bind; captare, captivare, vin-cire :-- Swá hwæt swá híg gehæftaþ quicquid ceperint, Th. An. 23, 11. Hí gehæftaþ on sáwle rihtwíses captabunt in animam justi, Ps. 93, 21. Abraham geseah ánne ramm be ðám hornum gehæft Abraham saw a ram caught [captus] by his horns, Gen. 22, 13. On écnesse gehæft for ever binds, Bt. 19; Fox 70, 18. Mid ðý me God hafaþ gehæfted be ðam healse with which God hath fastened me by the neck, Cd. 19; Th. 24, 29; Gen. 385 : Judth. 10; Thw. 23, 11; Jud. 116. He hæfde ǽnne ðeófman gehæftne habebat vinctum, Mt. Bos. 27, 16. Handa synt gehæfte my hands are manacled, Cd. 19; Th. 24, 19; Gen. 380 : Exon. 16 a; Th. 35, 22; Cri. 562. Híg mycelum ege gehæfte wǽron timore magno tenebantur, Lk. Bos. 8, 37. Drihten híg gehýrde ðæt híg ge-hæfton wiþ hine, Josh. 11, 20 [?]. ge-hæftan