Ge-heald, -hæld

Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-heald, -hæld

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

ge-heald, -hæld
Substitute: ge-heald, es; n. I. observation, marking, noticing:--Ríce Godes ne mið gehald tó cymende regnum Dei non cum obseruatione uenturum, Lk. p. 9, 10. II. the observance of something prescribed, holding, keeping:--Gewrit be gehealde rihtra Eástrana, Bd. 5, 21; Sch. 678, 20. Betwyh gehald (obseruantiam) regollices þeódscipes, 5, 23; Sch. 695, 7. III. a watch, guard:--Sete swǽse geheald múðe mínum pone custodiam ori meo, Ps. Th. 140, 4. Gehald, Rtl. 179, 9. Giheaeld, 180, 12. IV. protection, shelter:--Ælfgár gesóhte Griffines geheald, Chr. 1055; P. 187, 2. IV a. in a personal sense, a protector, guardian:--Francena kyning and Wyllelm eorl sceoldon beón his geheald, Chr. 1071; P. 206, 23. Þæt mynster beó þám bisceope underþeód, and hé beó þǽrtó geheald and mund, Cht. Th. 391, 17. [Hwan hit sniuþ . . . Þar in ich habbe god ihold, O. and N. 621.] Cf. ge-hild. ge-heald