Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-healdsum
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- ge-healdsum
- Substitute: I. that takes care of, is protective of :-- Gif hē bid ākenned on .xxiiii. nihta, sē bid geswincfull on his līfe. Gif hē bid on .xxII. that is careful of property, saving, not given to spending, frugal :-- Ðy lǣs se hneáwa and se gītsigenda fægnige dæs dætte menn wēnen dæt hē sié gehealdsum on dǣm de hē healdan scyle odde dǣlan ne cor tenacia occupet, et parcum se videri in dispensationibus exultet, Past. 149, 18. III. exercising restraint, modest, virtuous, sober: -- Wīf hālig and gehealdsum mulier sancta et pudorata, S. int. 225, 16.] Þā wǣron hālige bisceopas gehealtsume (-heald-, v. l.) on þeáwum (cf. I Tim. 3, 2 : Tit. I. 8). IIIa, continent :-- Geheald[sume] caelibes, An. Ox. 665. IV. safe, inviolate :-- For gehealdsumere side[ful-nesse] pro pudicitia conservanda, An. Ox. 2666. Gehealtsumestre integerrime (virtutis), 4511. v. un-gehealdum. ge-healdsum