Ge-heán, -hín
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-heán, -hín
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- ge-heán, -hín
- ý, ié), -hígan(?); pp. -heád, -hȳd, -hīged. I. in a physical sense, to elevate, raise high :-- Gehȳdne porrectam (in edito turrem), An. Ox. 8, 237. Gehīgde edita, i. alta, Wülck. Gl. 226, 8. II. to exalt :-- Ðā wæs Bryten swīde geheád in miclum wuldre Godes geleáfan and andetnesse denique etiam Brittaniam turn plurima confes-sionis Deo deuotae gloria sublimauit, Bd. I. 6; Sch. 19, 4. Swā micelum swā ǣnig mā woruldlices wyrdscypes wyrdnysse byd gehȳd (sublimatur), Scint. 181, 16. Geuferod, gehȳd þurh lārēwlicum basincge fretus, i. functus magistri melote, An. Ox. 1470. [Laym. ihæȝed: A. R. iheied: Mark, iheiet: O. H. Ger. ge-hōhen exaltare.]