Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-hlȳd
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- ge-hlȳd
- Add: I. sound made by the voice, a cry :-- Gif se sācerd bid ungerād dæs lāreówdōrnes, hwæt forstent his gehlȳd sacerdos si praedicationis est nescins, quam clamoris vocem daturus est praeco mutus?, Past. 91, 25. I a. in an unfavourable sense. (1) clamour, noise, din :-- Weard micel gehlȳd hlihhendra deófla. Hml. S. 31, 810. Simpronius mid swīdlicum gehlȳde hēt hī gefeccan, 7, 81. Hē clypode mid gehlȳde, 36, 362. Mid wēdendum and egislicum gehlȳde bachanti et furibundo strepitu (i. clamore), An. Ox. 3811. (2) excessive speech, garrulity :-- Wordig gehlȳd uerbosa garrulitas, An. Ox. 1417 : 1612. (3) of inopportune speech :-- Rǣde hē swā, þæt hē ōþre mid gehlȳde ne geunstille, R. Ben. 73, 14. (4) violent speech, outcry :-- Betere wē āhreddon ūs sylfe of dissere burhware gehlȳde, Hml. S. 23, 202 : 22, 187. Ðā hǣdenan clypodon mid gehlȳde . . . 'Beo se ārleása ofelagen, ' 22, 160: 23, 612. Grymetende mid gehlȳde, 7, 242. II. noise made by people in excited action, tumult, disturbance, din of business :-- Swēgende gehlȳd gedrēfde tumultuous (secularium) strepitus obturbabat, An. Ox. 5432. Ðā brōdru þā mid gehlȳde wurpon wæter on ꝥ fȳr swylce hit tō ādwǣscenne cum jaciendo aquam, et ignem quasi extinguen-do perstreperent, Gr. D. 123, 29. Hē mid his āþenedre honda gestilleþ þā gerūxl and ꝥ gehlȳd eallra manna extensa manu omnium tumultus sedat, 265, 13. II a. a tumult, uproar, disturbance :-- Næs nā on freólsdæge þe lǣs þæs folces gehlȳd wurde non in die festo ne forte tumultus fieret populi, Mk. 14, 2. III. the noise made by an animal :-- Eosola gehlȳd ruditus asinorum, Gr. D. 185, 3. IV. the noise made with things :-- Ðā gehȳrde hē gelȳd þām gelīcost swylce þǣra muneca setl fǣrlīce feóllon ealle tōgedere, and wæs ǣfre swā leng swā hlūddre. Ðā æfter langum fyrste geswāc ꝥ gehlȳd. Vis. Lfc. 47-50. On þǣre ylcan nihte wæs geworden mycel gehlȳd (strepitus) on þām hrōfe þǣre cirican, efne swylce hwylc man urne þǣr geond dwoliende. Þā āweóx and bræclade māra swēg . . . swylce eall seó cyrice wǣre . . . tōworpen fram þām grundweallum, Gr. D. 236, 10. ge-hlyd