
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-hleótan

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Add: I. trans. (1) to obtain by lot :-- Þā hluton þā consulas hwelc hiera ǣrest þæt gewinn underfēnge. Þā gehleát hit Quintus Flaminius bellum . . . quod Quinctius Flaminius sortitus, Ors. 4, II; S. 202, 34. (2) to have allotted, obtain, get :-- Mildheormyss fram mid-þoligende fremedre yrmþe nama(n) gehlēt misericordia a compatiendo aliene miserte nomen sortita est, Scint. 147, 4. Hē gehleát sortitur, i. adipiscitur, An. Ox. 3619. Hē gehleóte āmānsumunge wrace sortiatur excommunicationis vindictam, R. Ben. I. 57, 15. Gehieóte hē þā genyþerunge þe Scarioth geearnude, C. D. B. i. 156, 4. (3) to allot, assign as a person's share, give :-- Hīt wæs gehloten tō Jōsepes bearna lande fuit in possessionem filiorum Joseph, Jos. 24, 32. [Nas hit noht swā iloten, Laym. 7819. Þū art ilote to him, H. M. II. 13.] II. intrans. To be allotted. [Cf. Icel. hljótask to be allotted, fall by lot] :-- Hié sendon hlot him betweónum, hwider hyra gehwylc faran scolde tō lǣranne. Se eádiga Matheus gehleát tō Marmadonia (cf. þām (Matthew) God hlȳt geteóde ūt on þæt īgland, An. 14), Bl. H. 229, 6. [Him scal ileoten bitterest alre baluwen, Laym. 31306.] ge-hleotan