
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-hrīnan

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Add: [weakforms, ge-hrīnde, -hrīnade, occur in North-ern Gospels] :-- Gehrīnan contingere, Wrt. Voc. ii. 22, 16. I. to touch with some part of the body :-- Se hrōf wæs on mislicre heánesse; on sumre stōwe hē wæs ꝥ man mid his handa neálīce gerǣcean mihte, in sumre eáþelīce mid heáfde gehrīnan, Bl. H. 207, 23. (I) with dat. :-- Wīf dió gehrīned him mulier quae tangit eum, Lk. L. 7, 39. Gié ānum fingre ne gehrīnad daelig-long;m hondhæfum (sarcinas), ii. 46. Hē gehrān him (eos), Mt. L. 17, 7. Hió gihrān wēdum his, Mk. R. 5, 27. Hiá gibēdun hine ꝥte giwēdun his gihrionon (-hrinon, L.), and swā oftor gihrionun him hāle giwurdun, 6, 56. ꝥte hē gihrine dǣm ut tangeret eos, 10, 13. ꝥ hiǽ him gihrionun, 3, 10. (2) with acc. :-- Ic þone derscwold gehrān, Hml. S. 23b, 413. Hē gehrān hond his tetigit manum ejus, Mt. L. 8, 15 : Lk. L. 5, 13 : 8, 45. Gehrine tetigerit, 8, 47. ꝥ hē hiǽ gehrine (gehrīnade, L.) ut eos tangeret, Lk. R. 18, 15. ꝥte hine gehrīnde ut illum tangeret, Mk. L. 8, 22. ꝥte hine hié gehrīndon l hrīna mæhtæs, 3, 10. ꝥ wlōh wēdes his gehrīne mōston, Mt. L. 14, 36 : Jn. L. 20, 17. Hine tō gehrīnanne, Lk. L. 6, 19. Suā huæd dǣm gihrīned bid quicquid eo tactum fuerit, Rtl. 121, 7. II. to have intercourse with. Cf. wīf-gehrine :-- Sē de gihrīne;d portcuoene qui adheret meretrici, Rtl. 106, 30.

Parole correlate: un-gehrinen. ge-hrinan
