
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-hwā

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

A. as noun. I. every one (thing), each one. (I) alone:-- Healde gehwā mid riht his ǣwe, -Ll. Th. ii. 300, 26. Gearwige tō hūslgange oft and gelōme gehwā hine sylfne, i. 310, 8 : 322, 8 : 424, 19. Þīne dōmas rǣcad efne gehwām, ǣghwylcum men āgen gewyrhta, Hy. 7, 15: Rä. 12, 8. Þæt wē magon gefrēdan hwæt bid heard, hwæt hnesce, . . . and swā gehwæt, Hml. Th. ii. 372, 33. (l a) as antecedent :-- Hȳ gebētton gehwæt þe tōbrocen wæs of þām, Ll. Th. ii. 356, 7. (2) with gen. pl. of (a) a noun :-- Hē beheád ꝥ monna gehwā him hām fērde singulos domum redire praecepit, Bd. 3, 14; Sch. 254, 19. Ædelinga wyn and eorla gehwæs wyn and weordmynd, Rūn. 27. Fæder frymda gehwæs, Ph. 197 : Cri. 47. Þā wyrda gehwǣre sōd oncnāwest, An. 630. Freá folca gehwæs, Dan. 401. Gōda gehwæs, An. 338 : Jul. 323. In daga gehwām, Dan. 287. Wid nīda gehwām, Ph. 451. On healfa gehwām, Exod. 209: An. 121. Of ǣdra gehwǣre, Gen. 1374. In mǣgda gehwǣre, B. 25. On healfa gehwore (-hwone?), Cri. 928 : Ph. 336. Mēca gehwane, B. 2685. On tīda gehwone, Gen. 2305. Burga gehwone, Dan. 63. Ymb healfa gehwone, Cri. 61. (aa) with gen. of a noun of multitude :-- Gumcynnes gehwone, B. 2765. (ab) where emphasis is given by the use of eall qualifying the noun :-- Æt ealra manna gehwæs mūdes reorde, Seel. 93. On ealra londa gehwām, Ru. 34, 13. Ealra feónda gehwane, Sal. 147. Gehwone, 97. (b) an adj. or ptcpl. used substantively :-- Cyning clǣnra gehwæs, Cri. 703 : An. 914. Eádigra gehwām . . . lifgendra gehwām, Exod. 4, 6. Hē geaf blisse gehwǣm ēgbūendra, Chr. 995; P. 122, I. Wiþ lāþra gehwæne, 937; P. 106, 17. Wid gesibbra gehwone, Mōd. 69 : Ph. 606. (c) ān :-- Þā ānra gehwām (cf. ǣlcum men, Bt. 15 ; F. 48, 3) genōh þūhte, Met. 8, 6. (ca) where the phrase governs a genitive :-- Biód ānra gehwæs monnamōdsefan āwegede, Met. 7, 23, Ānra gehwǣm eordbūendra, 12, 18. On ānra gehwām ædeles cynnes, Exod. 227. Gumena gehwæne þyssa burhleóda. Jud. 186. (cb) with demonstrative :-- Is þāra ānra gehwām orgeate tācen. Sch. 8. (d) pronoun :-- Him on scīnad ǣrgewyrhtu, on sylfra gehwām, Cri. 1242. II. any one (thing), (I) alone :-- Būton gehwā beó geedcenned of wætere and of þām Hālgan Gāste, ne mæg hē faran in tō heofenan rīce nisi quit renatus fuerit ex aqua et spiritu, non potest introire in regnum Dei, Hml. Th. i. 94, 10. Þone mete þe gehwā brūcan wolde, gif him þæt fæsten swā geboden nǣre, Wlfst. 181, 12. Þonne hē sǣde gehwæt (mē hwæt rehte, ) be ealdra manna dǣdum, Gr. D. 86, 22. Hē (the interjection) getācnad hwīlon dæs mōdes blisse, hwīlon sārnysse, hwīlon wundrunge and gehwæt, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 278, 6. (la) as antecedent :-- Ic gehwām wille þǣrtd tǣcan þe hiene his lyst mā tō witanne, Ors. 3, j; 8. 102, 24. (2) with gen. :-- For gehwæt heardes odde hnesces . . . þæs de mē innan odde ūtan gebyrede, Angl. xi. 98, 52. Scealt þū georne geþolian gehwæt þæs þe tō heora þēnungum belimpþ aequo animo toleres oportet quidquid intra fortunae aream geritur, Bt. 7, 2 ; F. 18, 25. Wǣpnu and mete and ealo and clāþas and gehwæt þæs þe þā þrē gefērscipas behōfiaþ, 17 ; F. 60, 5. Nis hit nān wundor deáh hwā wēne ꝥ swylces gehwæt (hwæt, v. l.) unmyndlinga gebyrige, Bt. 39, 2 ; F. 214, 9. III. some one (thing) :-- Oft gehwá gesihd fægre stafas āwritene, þonne herad hē done wrītere, Hml. Th. i. 186, 2. ꝥ is lǣsse, ꝥ man wite gehwæt hwylces, þonne ꝥ sȳ, ꝥ his man wite and eác bodie, Gr. D. 138, 2. B. as adjective, every :-- Rīces gehwæs, Dan. 114. Be naman gehwām, 424. Gange of dōme gehwām deópe gehȳned cum judicatur, exeat cotidemnatus, Ps. Th. 108, 6. On mǣgde gehwǣre, Fä. 74. In ceastre gehwǣre, El. 973. On stōwe gehwāre, Cri. 490 : Ph. 206. Tō yfele gehwām scearpe, Ps. Th. 56, 5. Æt leóhte gehwām, 62, I. ge-hwa

Parole correlate: l.
