Ge-hwearf, -hwerf

Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-hwearf, -hwerf

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

ge-hwearf, -hwerf
Add; -- Ðis is biscopes gehwearf and dāra hīgna dāra londa æt Beórhām . . . (cf. in the charter so endorsed: Placuit archiepiscopo ejusque familia . . . aliquam vicissitudinem terrarum inter se habere), C. D. B. i. 526, 19. Wes dises gehwerfes tō gewit-nesse hic sunt testes hujas commutationis, C. D. vi. 207, 21, 26. Ædeluuold bisceop sealde mē tō gehwerfe (mutuauit) done hām Heart-ingas wid dām mynsterlande, iii. 60, 30. Geseoh, ic þē sylle þysne man tō gehwearfe for hine ecce, hunc hominem pro eo vicarium praebeo, Gr. D. 180, 20 : 181, 28.

Parole correlate: land-gehwearf. ge-hwearf
