Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-hwilc
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- ge-hwilc
- Add: I. each, every; in pl. all. (I) as noun, (a) alone : -- Gif man in mannes tūn ǣrest geirned, .vi. scillingum gebēte ; sē þe æfter irned .iiii. scillingas; sibban gehwylc scilling. Ll. Th. i. 6, 17. Gehwilc, 16, 4. Æt þām feówer tōdum fyrestum, æt gehwylcum .vi. scillingas, 16, 2. Hió forlēt sēcan gehwylcne āgenne eard, El. 598. Sete tācn on gehwilcne wǣpnedcynnes, Gen. 2311. Gif hit sié binnan wǣdum, gehwilc .xx. scætta gebēte, 18, 5 : 14, 13. (aa) as antecedent :-- Hē hēht þæt segn wegan gehwilcne þe his hīna wæs wǣpnedcynnes, Gen. 2371. (b) in agreement with ān :-- Ānum gehwilcum is hǣl gehendre, Hml. Th. i. 602, 21. God ǣnne gehwilcne þurh his Gāst geneósad, ii. 316, II. (c) with ānra :-- Ānra gehwelc wēnde, Ors. 3, 7; S. 114, 35. Þæt ānra gehwylc cræft his begange ut unusquisque artem suam exerceat, Coll. M. 31, 31. Underfēd ānra gehwilc be dām de hē geearnode. Hml. Th. i. 602, 28. Gehwylc, Bl. H. II, 18 : 107, 12. Þæt hē gedǣlde ānra gehwylces līf wid līce, B. 732. For ānra gehwylcum onsundrum, Seel. 97. (c I) with a noun in agreement with ānra :-- ꝥ ānra manna gehwylc sceáwige hine sylfne, Bl. H. 57, 33 Ánra manna gehwylcne ic myngie, 107, 10. (c 2) with a genitive governed by anra gehwilc :-- Ānra gehwylc þāra apostola biþ geseted tō his synderlicre stōwe, Bl. H. 143, 22. Sceal ūre ānra gehwylc beran his dǣda, 63, 29 : Sal. 355. Ānra gehwilcum ymbstandendra folces Sodoma, Gen. 2488. Þā frægn ic ānra gehwylcne heora interrogavi unumquem-que eorum, Bd. 4, 5 ; Sch. 375, 8. ¶ as antecedent :-- Stōd egesa ānra gehwylcum þāra þe of wealle wōp gehȳrdon, B. 784. (c 3) reci-procal :-- Framige ānra gehwylc ōþron on crǣfte hys, Coll. M. 31, 25. (d) with gen. pl. :-- Þāra gehwelc wē willad sié twybōte, Ll. Th. i. 64, 24 : Rä. 71, 5. Hwider hyra gehwylc faran scolde, Bl. H. 229, 5. Gehwylc hiora each of the two, B. 1166. Þe firina gehwilc ābūged, Cri. 56. Monna gehwylc geceósan mōt, 589. Wana wilna gehwilces, Gen. 2272. Benumen leáfa gehwelces, Met. 4, 24. Æfter ȳsta gehwelcre (cf. æfter eallum þām ȳstum, Bt. 34, 8 ; F. 144, 28), 21, 15. Āscyred scylda gehwylcre, El. 1313. Hē wæs witena gehwelcum (cf. ǣlcum witum, Bt. 28; F. 100, 27) lād, Met. 15, 5. Þæt man lǣte manna gehwylcne, ge earmne ge eádigue, folcrihtes wyrde, Ll. Th. i. 316, 27. Hē dēmed leán þeóda gehwylcre, Cri. 848 : B. 805. Nihta gehwylce, Ps. Th. 104, 34. Daga gehwylce, Bl. H. 59, 26 : Kr. 136 : B. 2450: Sal. 551. Gehwelce, Met. 13, 21. Gehwilce, l, 54: Gen. 848. Þinga gehwylce. Hy. 4, 12. Nihta gehwylcere, Ps. Th. 133, 3. (d l) with ealra qualifying gen. pl. :-- Þǣr habbad heó on ǣfyn . . . , ealra feónda gehwilc, fȳr edneówe. Gen. 314. Alra tācna gehwylc, El. 645. Ymb ealra landa gehwylc, Gn. C. 46. (d 2) with gen. governed by noun in gen. pl. :-- Þegna gehwylc þīnra leóda, B. 1673. Monna gehwilc þǣre cneórisse, Gen. 2317. Wihta gehwilce deóra and fugla deádlēg nimed, Cri. 982. (d 3) as antecedent :-- Monna gehwilc þe wid his waldend winnan ongynned, Gen. 297. Secgan Dryhtne þonc duguda gehwylcre þe ūs simle gefremede, Cri. 601. Þæt is heálic rǣd monna gehwylcum þe gemynd hafad, 431. Secga gehwylcum þāra þe on swylc starad, B. 996 : An. 1154. Þǣr is ār gelang fira gehwylcum þām þe hié findan cann, 982. Dōma gehwilcne þāra þe him Drihten bebeád, Exod. 520. ¶ with verb in plural :-- Mīn ēhtan ongunnon ealdurmonna gehwylc principes persecuti sunt me, Ps. Th. 118, 161. Swā hēr manna gehwylc Metode gecwēmad, Hy. 10, 58. (dd) every kind of :-- Open ēce scræf yfela gehwylces, Exod. 537. Torn þolode wine Scyldinga, weána gehwelcne, B. 148. Sǣda gehwilc on bearm scipes beornas feredon, Exod. 374. (2) as adjective, (a) alone :-- Þæt gehwilc sprǣc hæbbe āndagan, Ll. Th. i. 158, 7. Ðæt mōd gehwelces monnes, Past. 255, 15. Gehwylces hādes men, Bl. H. 47, 34. Wider-weardnes wuhte gehwelcre, Met. ii. 78. Tō gehwylcere byrig, Ll. Th. i. 194, 3. Gif man þeóh þurhstingd, stice gehwilce .vi. scillingas, 18, 16. Unfācne feó gehwilce with sterling money all of it, 10, 5. Ge-hwilce morgene. Lch. ii. 108, 2. Æt þām neglum gehwylcum scilling, Ll. Th. i. 16, 14. On gehwylcum heora mǣgdum in suis quique prouin-ciis, Bd. pref. ; Sch. 6, 4. On gehwylcum burgum blissoden þā Crīsten-an, Hml. S. 2, 278. Of gehwilcum stōwum wȳdan and sȳdan gegaderod, C. D. B. ii. 389, 22. Geond gehwylce weras uiritim, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 232, 17. Gehwylce wǣpenleáse inermes quosque, i. universos, An. Ox. 724. (aa) as antecedent :-- Ðās leásan spell lǣraþ gehwelcne man þāra þe wilnaþ helle þióstra tō fliónne, Bt. 35, 6; F. 170, 16. Wid gehwylce yfelu þe on þām innode dered, Lch. i. 280, 18. (b) with quasi-fying words :-- Gehwilc ōder tild, Angl. ix. 259, 12. Ānes gehwylces mannes dǣda, Wlfst. 244, 21. Ānes gehwylces geleáffulles mannes mōd, Hml. Th. i. 412, 24. Ānum gehwilcum gelȳfedum men wæs Crīstes tō-cyme ǣgder ge hryre ge ǣrist, 144, 26. Tō ānum gehwylcum menn, ii. 76, 13. Gehwilce ǣnlīpige on heora burgum be him sylfum cendon, i. 34, 4: ii. 124, 9. Æt þām ōdrum tāum gehwilcum healf gelde . . . æt þām ōdrum gehwilcum, Ll. Th. i. 20, 3, 6. Of syndrigum gehwyl-cum cyricum (cyriceum gehwylcum, ) ex singulis quibusque ecclesiis, Bd. l, 27; Sch. 65, 15. Syndrige stōwe gehwylce singula quaeque loca, 5, II; Sch. 607, 4. (c) with ānra :-- Ðeáh de ānra gehwylc gāst hæbbe synderlīce .xii. federhoman, and ānra gehwylc feder-homa hæbbe .xii. windas, and ānra gehwilc wind twelf sigefæstnissa, Sal. K. 152, 1-3. Folc ānra gehwylc, Cri. 1026. (d) with mǣstra :-- Æt mǣstra gehwilcere misdǣde, Ll. Th. i. 58, 6. ¶ of every kind :-- Be gehwelces ceápes āngelde. Ll. Th. i. 138, 9. Hē sceal beón, swā ic ǣr be beócere cwæd (beóceorl sceal geara beón on manegum weorcum, 3), oftrǣde tō gehwilcon weorce, Ll. Th. i. 436, 18. Wǣron hyra tungan getale teónan gehwylcre, Ps. Th. 56, 5. Hwī God gedafian wolde þæt þā hǣdenan his hālgan mid gehwilcum tintregum ācwellan mōston, Hml. Th. i. 566, 30. On dǣre stōwe beód gehǣlede gehwilce untrume, Hml. S. 4, 125. Se Hǣlend sǣde gelōmlīce bigspel be gehwilcum dingum. ii. 562, II. II. some, certain, many, (I) as noun :-- Ðā gehȳrdon gehwilce on līfe hālige englas singan on his fordsīde, Hml, Th. ii. 518, 8. (2) as adjective, (a) alone :-- Cwǣdon gehwylce lāreówas þæt . . . , Hml. Th. i. 440, 21: 468, 5. Gehwylce gōde mæn (boni quique), ūs wǣron widtogone, Gr. D. 256, 21. Þā hugon gehwylce ædelborene menn tō Maures mynstre . . . od ꝥ þǣr gadorod wæs hund-teóntig muneca and feówertig ealles, Hml. S. 6, 260. Nū smeádon gehwilce men oft, and gyt gelōme smeágad, Hml. Th. ii. 268, 7. Ge-hwilce geleáffulle de Gode gecwēmad, 556, 5. Gehwilce strongeste fortis-simi quique, Kent. Gl. 224. Hē sǣde his gesihde Ælfride and gehwilcum eáwfæstum mannum (cf. quae uiderat idem uir . . . referre uolebat illis solunmiodo, qui . . . profectum pietatis ex eius uerbis haurire uolebant, Bd. 5, 12 ; Sch. 630), Hml. Th. ii. 350, 3. Ācsode hē hine be gehwilc-um þingum he asked him about several things, Guth. 80, II. (b) with ōþer :-- On dyssere gefērrǣdene wǣron Petrus and Iōhannes . . . , and ; ehwilce ōdre . . . Eal seó menigu wæs ān hund manna and twēntig, Hml. Th. i. 296, 16: 38, 10: Hml. S. 29, 92 : Ælfc. Gr. Z. 293, 16. Dūn-stān . . . and Aþelwold, and ōdre gehwylce, 21, 459 : Hml. A. 22, 211. (bb) of some (other) kind :-- Fleán and ōdre gehwilce wyrrnas, Hex. 24, 31. (c) correlative, some . . . some (others) :-- Gehwylce gebrōdra . . ne beód swā carfulle . . . and gehwilce ōdre beód mid sārnysse onbryrde, Hml. Th. i. 340, 23-28. (d) gehwilc . . . ōþer some . . . other :-- Þonne gehwilce synfulle menn ōdre heora gelīcan . . . geōlǣcad, Hml. Th. i. 494, 2. III. any. (1) as noun :-- Gifhrȳdera gehwylc (hwelc, v. l.) sié þe hegas brece, Ll. Th. i. 128, 12. Gif mīnra gerēfena hwylc (gehwylce, v. l. ) þis dōn nylle, 212, 27. (2) as adjective :-- Þonne ꝥ mōd byd tōdǣled tō manegum þingum, þonne byd hit þe lǣsse tō gehwilc-um ānum synderlicum þinge: and swā mycele swȳdor hit byd under-cropen on gehwilcum ānum þinge, swā micele swā hit byd wīddor ābys-god on manegum þingum cum animus dividitur ad multa, fit minor ad singula: tantoque ei in una qualibet re subripitur quanto latius in multis occupatur, Gr. D. 41, 9-17. [O. Sax. gi-hwilīk : O. H. Ger. ge-hwelīh omnis, quivis.] v. dæg-gehwilc. ge-hwilc