Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-innian
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- ge-innian
- Add: (1) to put into a place. (a) to restore property to rightful ownership:--Gyf hwá genyrwe ðæt ic . . . on éce yrfe geseald hæbbe, Drihten his andweald genyðrige . . . nymðe hé . . . geinnige ðæt hé on úrum Drihtne gereáfod, C. D. to restore a person to a position:--On Wódnesdæg bisceopas ásceádað . . . út of cyrican . . . ðá ðe . . . hý sylfe forgyltan; and eft on Ðunresdæg . . . hý geinniað intó cyrican þá þe . . . heora synna bétað, Wlfst. 104, 13. Stande hé þǽr úte . . . oð þæt hé mid hreówsunge geinnige hine sylfne . . . intó Godes húse, 155, 24. Wé nýdað út þá forsyngodan of Godes cyrican, oð þæt hí mid dǽdbóte hí sylfe geinnian, tó þám þæt wé hý þyder in eft lǽdan durran, 154, 29. (2) to supply the place of what is lost, replace, fill up a deficiency:--Hé him gá tó honda oþþæt hé his ceáp him geinnian mæge, Ll. Th. i. 142, 4. Ðú geswóre Apollonio ꝥ þú woldest him geinnian swá hwæt swá seó sǽ him ætbrǽd, Ap. Th. 23, 7. Wé sceolon mid gebedum and lofsangum ús geinnian swá hwæt swá wé . . . hwónlícor gefyldon, Hml. Th. i. 548, 1. (3) to make up for, repair a fault:--Nú sceole wé úre gýmeleáste geinnian, Hml. Th. i. 180, 18. Hí willað geinnian ðá æftran hínðe mid þám uferan gestreónum, 340, 32. (4) to lodge (v. inn a lodging):--Þæs cynges cniht hæfde geinnod þone godspellere æt his húse, Hml. Th. ii. 474, 15. Hé ácwealde Castolum þe hæfde geinnod ealle þás hálgan, Hml. S. 5, 385. [O. H. Ger. diu geinnóton mih in dia ecclesiam.] ge-innian