
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-leornian

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Dele 'inquire,' and last passage. Add: I. to acquire knowledge of a subject by study, thought, instruction, &c.:--Ꝥ sé ne durre beón wísdómes láreów óðres mannes, sé þe hine ǽr him sylfum ne geleornað, Gr. D. 12, 27. Hé fram Godes ængle ꝥ bebod underféng and þurh nǽnigne menniscne man ne geleornode mandatum ab angelo didicit, quod per hominem non cognovit, 13, 24. Bonifatius láreówdóme hé geleornode Crístes feówer béc, and getæl rihtra Eástrena, and monige óðre, ðá de belumpon tó ciriclicum þeódscipum, ðe hé on his ðeódscype geleornian ne mihte, Bd. 5, 19; Sch. 660, 11-17. Ðá bóc wendan on Englisc . . . swǽ swǽ ic hié geliornode æt Plegmunde mínum ærcebiscepe . . . Siððan ic hié geliornod hæfde, swǽ swǽ ic hié forstód . . . ic hié on Englisc áwende, Past. 7, 18-25. Leorniaþ wísdóm, and þonne gé hine geleornod hæbben, ne forhogiaþ hine, Bt. 16, 1; F. 50, 26. Him sealde Iustinus áne Crístene bóc . . . Siþþan hé þá geleornod hæfde, Ors. 6, 12; S. 266, 22. Þá hé þás bóc hæfde geleornode, Bt. proem.; F. viii. 8. II. to acquire skill in the doing of something by study, thought, instruction, &c., to learn to do. (1) with acc.:--Se deófol cann eall þæt yfel and ealle þá drýcræftas þe ǽfre ǽnig ǽfre geleornode, Wlfst. 101, 3. (2) with clause:--Sé sit on wólberendum setle, sé ðe gesceádwíslíce tócnáwan con gód and yfel, and ðeáh geleornað ðæt hé déð ðæt yfel in cathedra pestilentiae sedere est ex ratione mala discernere, et tamen ex deliberatione perpetrare, Past. 435, 23. Þá geleornedon his byrelas him betweónum hú bié him mehten ꝥ líf oþþringan, and him gesealdon átor drincan: þá forlét hé his líf Alexander, cum ministri insidiis venenum potasset, interiit, Ors. 3, 9; S. 136, 14. Hé geleornige ðæt hé selle Gode his ágne breósð, Past. 81, 25. Geleornigen ðá bearn ðæt hí hiéren hira ieldrum, 191, 1, 4. III. intrans. To acquire knowledge of a subject, receive instruction:--Éghuelc sé ðe gehérde from feder and geliornade, Jn. L. R. 6, 45. Huu ðes stafas wát, mid ðý ne geliornade, 7, 15. III a. to get instruction from a book, to read:--Ðá geleornas legentes, Mt. p. 13, 8. IV. to get knowledge of a fact, be informed of, become acquainted with:--Geliornigen ðá blíðan on ðǽre ðreáunga ðæt hié him ondrǽden; and gehiéren ðá unblíðan ðá leán ðæs gefeán ðe hié tó hopiað discant laeti ex minarum asperitate, quod timeant; audiant tristes praemiorum gaudia, de quibus praesumant, Past. 187, 17. V. to learn from a book, read:--Tó eácan þan [þe hé] sylf geleorned hæfde on bócan, Chr. 995; P. 128, 24. Ne ðis geleornadon ꝥte dyde Dauið nec hoc legistis quod fecit, Dauid?, Lk. L. 6, 3. [O. H. Ger. ge-lernén(-en).] ge-leornian