Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-macian
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- ge-macian
- p. ode; pp. od To make, cause :-- Hí heora lufigendne gemaciaþ weligne écelíce they make the lover of them rich eternally, Homl. Th. ii. 88, 29. Ðone ðe he ǽr martyr gemacode whom he had before made a martyr, 82, 24. Hí ðæra cinga sehte gemacedon they made peace between the two kings, Chr. 1091; Erl. 228, 2. Ðæt landfolc gemacodon ðæt he náht ne dyde the folk of the country prevented him from doing anything, 1075; Erl. 213, 20 : Exod. 5, 21. He lét castelas gemakian he had castles built, Chr. 1097; Erl. 234, 8. Eác is módsorg gode gemacod also grief of mind is caused to God, Cd. 35; Th. 47, 3; Gen. 755. ge-macian