Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-mǽnelíce
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- ge-mǽnelíce
- Add: -mǽnlíce. I. in common, in joint possession :-- God eallum mancinne forgeaf him gemǽnlíce fisccinn and fugelcinn and þá feóuerfetan deór, Ælfc. T. Grn. 4, 41. Þ UNCERTAIN feoh hí mid heom tó þám scræfe gemǽnelíce hæfdon, Hml. S. 23, 213. Þ UNCERTAIN hí ealle habbon heofonan ríce him gemǽnelíce him sylfum tó méde, Hml. A. 45, 519. II. where there is participation in attributes, characteristics, & c., in common with others :-- Mǽdenu magon beón Crístes módru. Eall Crístes gelaðung is Crístes módor . . . , Maria is módor líchamlíce and módor gástlíce, líchamlíce heó ána and gástlíce gemǽnelíce (Mary alone is according to the flesh Christ's mother, but in a spiritual sense she shares the title with others), Hml. A. 33, 214-223. III. jointly, together. (1) where persons act together :-- Hí ealle gemǽnelíce him hýren cuncti obediant, R. Ben. 15, 15 : Hml. A. 179, 341: Bd. I. 23; Sch. 49, ii. Hé gemǽnlíce (-mǽne-, ) mid gebróðerum his Drihten ne ðancað non occurrit, ut simul omnes dicant versum, R. Ben. 69, 10. (2) where persons are affected together :-- Ic nú þás þing wríte tó þé gemǽnelice and tó mínre méder and mínum geswustrum, Nar. 3, 7. (3) where things are done together :-- Seó hiés and þá fulfremedan weorc gemǽnelíce (communiter) butú þá þing beóð gefyllede, R. Ben. 20, 7. IV. in general, without exception :-- Ealle gé geleáffulle men synt tó myngienne gemǽnlíce, from þon lǽston oð þone mǽslan, Ll. Th. ii. 418, 26. Drihten þe ús ealle gemǽnelíce (pariter) tó écum lífe gelæde, R. Ben. 132, 9. Hé ðis bóc áurát Gode and Sancte Cúðberhte and allum ðǽm hálgum gimǽnelíce, ðá ðe in eólonde sint, Jn. L. p. 188, 2. V. mutually :-- Þá óþre heom gemǽnelíce betwyh on þisse þénunge þeówian ceteri sibi invicem serviant, R. Ben. 59, 4. Gebiddaþ eów gemǽnelíce orate pro invicem, Scint. 30, 12 : 37> 6. 64, 16. [O.H.Ger. gemeinlíhha communiter, consonanter, generaliter.] ge-mæne-lice,ge-mænelice