
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-mǽre

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Add: ge-mǽru(-o), e (or indecl. ?); f. A border, margin, coast :-- Tó ðǽm gemǽrum ad oras, Wrt. Voc. ii. 10, 52. I. in the case of a country or district. (1) frontier, border, (by the sea) coast :-- -Þá brycge þe æt þǽm gemǽre wæs, Ors. 2, 5 ; S. 78, 15. Þá hié tó ðǽm gemǽre cómon mid hiera firde, þá hæfdon hié hiera clúsan belocene Athenienses angustias Thermopylarum occupavere, 3, 7 ; S. 112, 34. Néh Sumersǽton gemǽre (-mǽran, and Dafenascíre, Chr. 1052 ; P. 179, 9. ¶ binnan gemǽre (gemǽrum) within a country :-- Siþþan hé binnan ðǽm gemǽre wǽre, Ors. 2, 4; S. 76, 10. Gif hwá binnan þám gemǽrum úres ríces reáflác dó, Ll. Th. i. 108, 8. (l a) with reference to English political divisions. Cf. border used in connexion with England and Scotland, (α) the border between Northumbria and Mercia :-- Súðmǽgde oð gemǽre Humbre streámes Myrcna cyninge on hýrnesse underðeódde wǽron prouinciae australes ad confinium usque Hymbrae fluminis Merciorum regi subiectae sunt, Bd. 5, 23; Sch. 691, 6. Hé wæs sumes mynstres (Wearmouth) abbod be-norðan gemǽre (in Northumbria), Shrn. 134, 13. His líchoma resteð be-norðan gemǽre in ðám mynstre Lastinga eá, 142, 21 '(cf. be-súðan sǽacross the channel, in France, 145, 17). Hér Ósréd Norðanhymbra cining wærð ofslagen be-súðan gemǽre (in Mercia], Chr. 716; P. 43, 9. (For the construction in these passages, cf. : Náðer be-norðan mearce, ne be-súðan, Ll. Th. i. 232, 18. ) (0) the Welsh border :-- Hé be þám gemǽron castelas léet gemakian, Chr. 1097; P. 233, 25. (2) a border district; in pl. borders, territories :-- Gebýrdum gemǽre colono fine, Wrt. Voc. ii. 134, 26. In gemǽra l in tún in villam, Mt. L. 26, 36. On Bethleem and on eallum hire gemǽrum (-moerum. R., finibus), Mt. 2, 16: Hml. Th. i. 80, 16: Mt. L. R. 4, 13. Þ UNCERTAIN hé férde fram heora gemǽrum (-mérum, R.), Mt. 8, 34: Mk. 5, 17 ; 7, 31. Of þám Chanaéiscum gemǽrum, Mt. 15, 22: Hml. Th. ii. no, 8. In gemǽrum in fines, Mt. L. 15, 39. Garganus seó dún stent on Campania landes gemǽron (gemǽro, Bl. H. 197, 19) wið þá sǽ Adriaticum, Hml. Th. i. 502, 5. Sum cwén, Saba geháten, cóm fram ðám súðernum gemǽrum tó Salamone, ii. 584, 9. In londum l gemǽrum in vicis. Mt. L. 6, 2. In gemǽro in fines (Iudaea), 19, i: Mk. 7, 31. In ðá nésta gemǽro (gimǽru, R.) and londo in proximas uillas et uicos, 6, 36. Hwæt is þes þe þus unforht gǽþ on úre gemǽro?, Bl. H. 85, 15. (3) with idea of remoteness, an extremity, end, (uttermost) part of earth or heavens :-- Fram gemǽre eorðan ab extremo terrae, Ps. Rdr. 134, 7. God gewealt gemeára eorðan (finium terrae), Ps. L. 58, 14. Heó cóm fram landes gemǽrum (gemǽrum eorðo, L., ende eorðe, R.) venit a finibus terrae, Mt. 12, 42. Gemǽrum (endum, W.S.), Lk. L. R. II, 31: Bd. 5, 7 ; Sch. 584, 14. Æt þám ýtmestan eorþan gemǽrum, Bl. H. 119, 25. Æt þá ýtmestan gemǽro in fines orbis terrae (Ps. 19, 4), 133, 35. Oð heofona gemǽru(-o) usque ad terminos coelorum, Mt. W. S. L. R. 24, 31. II. in the case of landed property, a boundary :-- Mǽd pratum, gemǽre (n. sing. or ? pl. f.) fines, hafudland limites. Wrt. Voc. i. 38, 1-3. Líð ðæt gemǽre on gerihte of foxhylle . . . , C. D. ii. 249, 34. Þæs hagan gemǽre . . . líð úp of þǽm forda . . . , C. D. B. ii. 305, 22. Andlang ðæs gemǽrhagan . . . andlang gemǽres, C. D. vi. 9, 5: 234, 20, 21, 23. Andlang gemǽres on hæselburh . . . of dám forda á be gemǽre, iii. 438, 13-10, 17, 18, 21. Be gerihtum gemǽre, 404, 29. On feówer gemǽre, 397, 3. On fíf gemǽre, vi. 226. Ðis syndon ðses londes gemǽro tó Abbandúne. 5. Gemǽra gedá1 finium regundonan actio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 39, 30: 148, 61. Hé hine gelǽdde ealle þá gemǽru, swá hé him of þám aldan bócum rǽdde, C. D. v. 140, 32. Ne oferstepe ðú ealde geméro ne transgrediaris terminos antiquos, Kent. Gl. 854. ¶ In composition with words denoting objects that help to form a boundary :-- On gemǽrbeorg and of gemǽrbeorge, C. D. B. ii. 140, 26. On gemǽrbeorgas, C. D. iii. 403, 29. On ðone gemérhagan, ðanon andlang ðæs hagan, v. 70, 22. Andlang ðæs gemǽrhagan, vi. 9, 4. Ollonc ðæs gemǽreheges, 234, II. Ǽrest on ðá gemǽrlace; andlang lace, 8, 26. On gemérstán; ðonne of gemérstáne, iii. 403, 29. Be rihtre mearce tó ðǽm gemǽrðornan, 404, 32. On ðæt gemǽrtreów, 342, 30. Andlang gemǽrweges, 383, . 28. Innan ðone gemǽrwyl; andlang streámes, 193, 9. III. in other local connexions :-- Gif þú scyle áceorfan unhál lim of hálum líce þonne ne ceorf þú ꝥ on þám gemǽre þæs hálan líces ac micle swíþor ceorf on ꝥ hále líc, Lch. ii. 84, 28. Hé cóm on ꝥ gemǽre leóhtes and þeóstro noctis prope terminos, Bt. 35, 6 ; F. 170, 13. IV. a line (lit. or fig.) that cannot or should not be passed, a bound, limit :-- Ðá bebeád se biscop : ' Ásettað mé ongeán þysum fýre' . . . Se líg æt þám gemǽre (illo termino) þæs biscopes (the bound made by the bishop's person) wearð gecyrred, Gr. D. 48, 9. Wit habbað oferhleódred (-leóred ?) ꝥ gemǽre uncres leóhtes (but the Latin is: excede terminos luci nostri), Nar. 32, 7. Hé gesette ðǽre sǽ gemǽru (cf. circumdabat mari terminum suum. Prov. 8, 29), ꝥ heó náteshwón ne mót middaneard ofergán, Hml. Th. ii. 378, 22. Gewisse healdende gemǽru (limites), Hy. S. 35, 15. V. of time, a predetermined date, a term; terminus, (v. Angl. viii. 324, 45-325, 12) :-- Þ UNCERTAIN hé gýme æfter .xii. Kl. Aprl. hwǽr beó se móna feówertýne nihta eald, and wite eác ꝥ hé byð ꝥ gemǽre þæs termenes pasche, Angl. viii. 322, 34. Gif þú wille witan ꝥ gemǽre terminum septuagesimalis . . . þonne on þám teóðan stent se termen, ꝥ gemǽre, Lch. iii. 226, 29-228, 3. On ðám dæge bið seó eásterlíce gemǽru þe wé hátað terminus, 244, 13. VI. a termination, ending. Cf. ge-mǽrung :-- Sé þænne hæfð gemǽre (terminum) gálnysse þænne lífes, Scint. 87, l. Ðec léhtes ǽr gemǽre ué bidde te lucis ante terminum poscimus. Rtl. 180, 6. v. eást-, eorþ-, land-, norþ-, norþwest-, sǽ-, súþ-, út-gemǽre; mǽre. ge-mære

Parole correlate: l.)
