
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-neah

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Substitute: ge-neah, pl. -nugon; p. -nohte. I. impersonal , it suffices a person, a person has enough, abounds in :-- Wé eáðe magon úpcund ríce forð gestígan, gif ús on ferðe geneah, and wé willað healdan heofoncyninges bibod, Sch. 35. [Cf. O. H. Ger. ganah inan abundabit (Mt. 13, 12, where the Rushworth Gloss. has genyht-sumað).] II. with subject. (1) to suffice, have sufficient power to do something :-- Nǽnig mennisc tunge ne geneah þæs ácendan engles godcund mægen tó gesecgenne, Bl. H. 165, 5. (2) to have abundance of (?) :-- Gifstól sceal gegierwed stondan, hwonne hine guman gedǽlen. Gífre biþ se þám golde onféhð, guma (guman? Goth. ga-nah sufficit: O. H. Ger. genan. Cf. Ge-nyhtsumian.) ge-neah

Parole correlate: I) þæs on heáhsetle geneah, Gn. Ex. 70. (
