
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-nǽgan

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:


p. de; pp. ed; c. acc. pers: gen. inst. rei To approach one with anything, address, approach, assail, assault; adire aliquem aliqua re, appellare, instare alicui, urgere, tribulare :-- Hio sió cwén ongan wordum genégan the queen began to address them with words, Elen. Kmbl. 769; El, 385. Þeóf ðe eorlas ungearwe yfles genǽgeþ the thief who assaults with evil unprepared men, Exon. 20 b; Th. 54, 28; Cri, 875. Ðá hyne gesóhton Heaðoscylfingas, níða genǽgdon [MS. gehnægdan] when the martial Scylfings him sought [and] assailed [him] in the wars, Beo. Th. 4418; B. 2206. Nearwum genǽged nýd-costingum assailed with painful troubles, Exon. 49 b; Th. 171, 13; Cri. 1126. ge-nægan