
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-nyht

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Add: I. sufficiency:--Ðǽm ðegnum is beboden ðæt hié him ðæt tó genyhte dón ðæt hié him sellen servants are bidden to be satisfied with what is given them, Past. 321, 2. II. abundance, plenty, opulence:--For ðǽre genyhte ðæs flówendan welan hé blissað rerum affluentium abundantiam exultat, Past. 55, 8. Genihðe opulentia, Angl. xiii. 35, 199. Ginyht' largitate, Rtl. 98, 3. Þú wunast on þére héhstan genyhte ubi summa plenitudo, Solil. H. 9, 9. Gebeorh bringeð tó genihte wæstme montem uberem, Ps. Th. 67, 15, 16: 91, 13. Hé sende on heora múþas mete tó genihte misit saturitatem in animas eorum, 105, 13. Gé geniht (abundantiam) águn, Ps. Th. 121, 6. Þá miclan geniht þínre wéðnesse, 144, 7. Hé can weána lyt, and hæfð byrga geniht, Run. 8. Hé sylð goldes and seolfres genyhða, Wlfst. 196, 21. Sellan éce mǽrþa and fulle genyht, Bt. 33, 3; F. 126, 13. ge-nyht