
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-rád

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Add: [The word seems to be feminine sometimes, e. g. on hwylcre gerád, Gr. D. 172, 29; so that in the phrase on þá gerád þæt, it may perhaps be, at least sometimes, rather fem. sing. than neut. pl. Cf. ge-sceaft for declension.] I. understanding, discernment:--Hlystað georne and nytað ná ðe máre, lóciað bráde and nán þing gecnáwað mid ǽnigean geráde, þæs ðe eów þearf sý, Wlfst. 47, 14. Ꝥ sceolon preóstas witan mid fullum geráde (cf. witan mid wísdóme, 305, 8), Angl. viii. 312, 13. Ꝥ se sceáwre wite mid fullum geráde þe þis gewrit áspyrað, 331, 1. Ic myngige þæne þe þis wilnað mid geráde áspyrian, 299, 3. Findan mid geráde, 332, 46. II. reason, sense, discretion:--Hú gerádes mæg se biscep brúcan ðǽre hirdelican áre, gif hé self drohtað on ðám eorðlicum tielongum qua mente animarum praesul honore pastorali utitur, si in terrenis negotiis ipse versatur, Past. 133, 3. Gesetton ðá hálgan fæderas ꝥ wé fæston mid geráde, Hml. S. 13, 102. Ðá réceleásan menn þe bútan geráde lybbað, and on eallum þingum wadað on heora ágenum willan, 17, 238. Ánfealde wíse on fullan geráde, Ll. Th. ii. 318,39. III. condition, order of things, mode :-- Ic ne can hwilcere ændebyrdnesse and on hwylcre (hwylc, /. ) gerád ILLEGIBLE beón mæg, ILLEGIBLE eall middaneard sý gesewen fram ánum mæn non conjicere scio quonam ordine fieri potest, ut mundus omnis ab homine uno videatur, Gr. D. 172, 29. Ic wolde ILLEGIBLE mé wǽre gecýþed on hwilc gerád ( quo ordine) ILLEGIBLE mihte beón "ILLEGIBLE. , . . , 149, 25. Wé wyllað ámearkian þǽra twelf mónða naman, and gecýðan eall ILLEGIBLE gerád ILLEGIBLE heora gehwylcum folgað", Angl. viii. 305, 28. Stande on þæt ilice gerád on écnesse swá hwæt swá Críste geseald biþ on cyricena ǽhtum. Lch. iii. 444, 10. IV. condition settled between persons, understanding arrived at by persons , stipulation :-- Eádmund lét eal Cumbraland tó Malculme on ILLEGIBLE gerád ILLEGIBLE hé wǽre his midwyrhta, Chr. 945 ; P. no, 34 : 1091; P. 226, 4. Ealle þá men þe hié on ðeówdóme hæfdon hié gefreódon. on þæt gerád þæt hé him áðas swóran ILLEGIBLE . . . , Ors. 4, 9; S. 190, 31. þá Pyhtas heom ábǽdon wíf æt Scottum, on þá gerád (ILLEGIBLE forewyrd, v. l. ) ILLEGIBLE. . . , Chr. P. 3, 16. Hí wurdon sehte on þá gerád ILLEGIBLE hé nǽfre eft Englisce ne Frencisce intó þám lande ne gelógige, 1093 ; P. 228, 28. IV a. a condition on which depends the performance of something, upon which a grant or the like is consequent :-- Ic wille eówres geunnan eów on þá gerád (geráde, 196, 32) þe gé mé geunnan mines. Ll. Th. i. 198, I. ILLEGIBLE hé hine on þá gerád (geráde, v.l. /. ) feormige ILLEGIBLE hé hine tó folcryhte gelǽde, gif hé gylt gewyrce, 204, 7. ILLEGIBLE þá ealle beón gearwe . . . tó farenne þider ic wille . . . on þá gerád ILLEGIBLE (geráde þe, v.l. /. ) hý nǽfre eft on eard ne cuman, 220, 8. ILLEGIBLE se hláford hine oþþe þá mágas on ILLEGIBLE;ilce gerád út niman þe man þá menn út nimð þe æt ordále fule weorðað, 238, 31. V. design, intention, (in) order (that) :-- On þá gerád ea intentione, Wrt. Voc. ii. 142, 20: Wülck. Gl. 87, l. Marius bæd þæt him mon sealde þone seofoþan consulatum and eác þæt gewin . . . Þá Silla geácsade on hwelc gerád Marius cóm tó Róme Marius . . . adfectavit septimtim consulatum, et belltim suscipere Mithri-daticum, quo Sulla cognito, Ors. 5, ll; S. 236, 8. ILLEGIBLE man ágife þá ciric-sceattas and þá sáwlsceattas tó þám stówum þe hit mid riht tó gebyrige. . . on þá gerád ILLEGIBLE (in order that) þá his brúcan æt þám háligan stówum þe heora cirican begán willað. Ll. Th. i. 196, 10. v. un-gerád. ge-rad

Parole correlate: l.
