Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-secgan
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- ge-secgan
- Take here forms under ge-sagian, and add: I. with acc. (l) where the object denotes a collection of words, to say words, tell a tale, give a list, account, &c. :-- Herenisse hiora gisæcge ðió cirica laudem eorum pronunciet ecclesia, Rtl. 61, 26. Gesǽd prolatum (quod cum calumniae gannitura prolatum], An. Ox. 4505. Ondetnis lofes hǽlendes gesægd is (confessio laudis Iesu refertur. Mt. p. 16, ll. Gesægd is foresægdnisse explicit praefatio, 12, 6. Cynnresuu feórtig tuá endebrednise gesaegd is (v. Mt. l, 1-17) generationum quadraginta duarum ordo narratur, 13, 15. Gesaegd aron heáfudwearda ðára réda exbliciunt cabitula lectionum, 20, 9. (2) where the object denotes what is spoken about, (a) to give an account of, speak of, tell, narrate :-- Ic nú his dǽda gesugian scyle, oþ ic Rómána gesecge, Ors. 3, 17; S. 120, 18. Ðá ðing ðá gehérde æfter lufu wundara gesaegde ea quae audierat juxta fidem gestorum narravit, Mt. p. 8, 12. . Nǽnigum menn ðú gecuoeðe ðis l gesæge (dixeris), Mk. L. 8, 26. Sanctus Ióhannes lífes weorþunga gesecgan, Bl. H. 163, 36. Úneáðe mæg mon tó geleáfsuman gesecgan swá monigfeald yfel in tanta malorum multitudine difficillima dictis fides. Ors. 3, 9 ; S. 128, 20. Þ UNCERTAIN mǽste wæl on hǽðene here þe wé ǽfre gesecgan hérdon, Chr. 851; P. 65, 16. Nǽnig mennisc tunge ne geneah þæs engles mægen tó gesecgenne, Bl. H. 165, 6. Tó gesecganne, Angl. ix. 265, 4. Bið gesægd ꝥti ðiós dyde, Mt. L. 26, 13. Hwí wæs þǽra engla synne forsuwod on þǽre béc Genesis, and þæs mannes wæs gesǽd (patefactum) ?, Angl. vii. 4, 27. (b) to give notice of, make known, announce :-- Hé gesægeð (cýð, W. S.) alle adnuntiabit omnia, Jn. L. R. 4, 25 : Jn. L. 16, 14. Ðá ðe tówearde aron hé gesæges iúh, 16, 13. Ðá hiorda gesæigdon (nuntiaverunt) alle, Mt. L. 8, 33. Gisægi (annuncia) folce mínum héhsynna hiara, Rtl. 5, 16. Hé hine monnum gecýþan and gesecgan teolode, Bl. H. 165, 31. Ðá hérde Ægelríc þet gesecgon. Chr. 1070; P. 207, 26. (c) to speak of, expound, discuss :-- Bisen gesægde l getrahtade parabolam exponit, Mt. p. 17, 3. Syndriga stówa gewutta ðú mæht and mid sóððe gesæcca propria loca scire possis ac vere disserere, ii. 2. Ic gehére hwæt þú woldest witan, ac ic hyt ne mæg myd feáwum wordum gesecgan. Solil. H. 64, 23. (3) the subject a pronoun referring to a clause :-- Þæt is gesægd, ꝥ hé wǽre gewis his sylfes forðfóre, Bd. 4, 24; Sch. 491, 19. (4) where the verb is of incomplete predication :-- Hé þone Hǽlend on þysne middangeard cumendne gesecgean wolde, Bl. H. 165, 35. Wéron gesægd sum óðero ofslægeno nuntiatis quibusdam occisis, Lk. p. 8, I. II. where the object is a clause, to say, tell, declare :-- Stefn þte hé wére clioppendes in uoestern gesaegeð vocem esse clamantis in deserto enuntiat, Jn. p. 3, 6. Gesege hwæþer þé betere þince, hwæþer þe . . . , þe . . . , Bt. 8 ; F. 26, 10. Gesecge hé his móde, ꝥ hit mæg findan . . . , 35, I; F. 154, 23. Ic ðé mæg mid feáum wordum gesecgan hú manegra yfela ðá welan sint gefylde, 32, l ; F. 114, 6. Mé ðincð þæt þú hæbbe genóh sweotole gesǽd, þæt ǽlces mannes sáwl nú sí and á beó, Solil. H. 63, 29. Him wæs gesǽd, ꝥ Willelm eorll wolde hider cuman, Chr. 1066 ; P. 196, 4. II a. in the passive with an infinitive complementary to the subject :-- Hé is gesǽd memoratur (hoc fecisse), An. Ox. 3873: 1514 Heó wæs gesǽd narretur (superstitionis coniemptrix extitisse), 4432. Gesǽde memorantur, i. dicuntur, 1610. III. used absolutely :-- Lóca ꝥ ðú ǽnigum menn gesæcga vide nemini dixeris, Mt. L. 8, 4. Bebeád þte ne ǽnigum men hiá ne gesægde, Mk. L. R. 7, 36. Miððý uæs ongeten geháten is ðegnum gesaeccanne qua cognito iubetur discipulis nuntiare, Jn. p. 8, 4. III a. with prep. to speak, tell about :-- Hió ne cúðon gesecggan be þám sigebeácne, El. 165. Scortlíce ic hæbbe nú gesǽd ymb þá þrié dǽlas þises middangeardes breviter tripartiti orbis divisiones dedi, Ors. l, l ; S. 10, 3. Hwæðer ðé nú sí genóh sweotole geséd be þám wísdóme, Solil. H. 66, 2. [O. Sax. gi-seggian : O.H.Ger. ge-sagén, -segen dicere, de-, pro-, re-ferre, exponere, digerere, memorare.] v. fore-gesægd. ge-secgan